Final Part

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You closed your eyes shut after he declined your call for the umpteenth time on the same night. "At least tell me that you are fine Jungkook" You sighed, small teardrops accumulating near your waterline.

You fidgeted with your fingers, wailing in the hall room and occasionally looking at the wall clock. You knew none of his friends at whose place he could go hence at the end, you reluctantly called your mother-in-law as you weren't able to understand whom to talk to.

As soon as your mother-in-law picked up the call, you heard her speak, "Kook, your soup is ready." You creased your forehead in confusion until she spoke to you. "Y/n-ah I am so sad that you didn't come with Jungkook.." she complained from the other side.

You released a relaxed sigh before opening your mouth to speak but she interrupted you instead. "I know are stuck at the office….Jungkook told us...I am just pulling your leg." You felt like crying as your chin trembled but still you hummed.

"Eomma….I will call you later." You mumbled in a low voice and hung up while your mother-in-law looked at her mobile screen before looking at her grumpy son, who was sitting in front of her, carrying an ugly look.

"She wasn't even able to speak properly. Why are you fighting with her??" Jungkook frowned at her mother and then looked away. He well understood that you were worrying till your pit about him. He didn't want to talk to you but also didn't want you to worry, hence he recited everything to his mother as he somewhere knew that you would contact her which you did.

Instead of facing any confrontation or awkward moment, he wanted you to just know about his whereabouts without having to talk to you. "You are behaving like a kid, do you know that?" His mother cupped the sides of her waist, all ready to tutor her son but he frowned more.

"No I am not. I have all the rights to be angry at her and she deserves my silent treatment." He spoke in anger before standing up and rushing upstairs towards his room while his mother heaved out a sigh before shaking her head.

A few days passed in a jiffy wherein you tried all possible ways to woo your angry husband, from being a doting wife and bringing him lunch at the office as he was staying at his parent's place to being a passionate lover and pacifying him at every chance given.

Jungkook was enjoying your attention to the fullest. He, though pretended to be angry, was actually silently loving the way you were pampering him. This is what he was yearning for while staying away from you. Your time and attention. And if his fake anger could give him what he wanted, then why not.

"What shall I wear at the party??" You asked him with excitement in your voice after getting inside his cabin.  "Whatever you want to." He replied in a low voice, his eyes completely focused on the papers which he was signing.

"How long are you gonna be this grumpy?!" You somewhere whined, walking behind his seat and rested your palms above his shoulders. "Today is such a happy day Jungkook.  You have officially become the CEO!! Can't we celebrate this day better and actually be happy??" You slightly massaged his shoulders.

"I am happy." He replied with a slick smile. "Oh! Are you? But I am not!! Can I please have my husband back at our home??" Your voice dripped with sarcasm but it did wonders to the guy you were addressing. His cheeks reddened as his smile broadened more and he felt hot at the back of his neck.

"Hmm." He controlled himself from breaking his barrage and hugging you as he had already planned something better for the evening. You sighed at his dry reply but also felt upset. "Do hell with you seriously!!" You say with rising frustration in you and leave his cabin in a haste.

You were trying your everything to pacify him but it felt like he wasn't ready to sort out things between you two. It's been a week since he came back from the States and was staying at his parent's place. It wasn't wrong of him to stay there but it definitely felt overwhelming to you that he was angry at you.

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