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You closed your eyes, as the small sip of coffee gushed down your throat while you looked out of the big french window of your cabin. The busy life of the city is viewed in front of you and an exhaustive sigh escapes from between your lips.

Raising your wrist, you looked at the time. 5:20 pm it read. Heaving another sigh out, you drank your coffee before arranging your stuff to leave as working hours came to an end. You felt the urge to pee and hence your legs took calculated steps towards the washroom.

Just when you were about to turn towards the washroom, a sight in the corridor made your heart skip a beat. There stood Jungkook, clinging to a lady, his one hand on her arm, holding her while what stung your heart was the woman, standing too close to name it as a formal distance.

Her hand held the collar of his shirt and from afar what it looked like, they were engaged in unofficial stuff. You took a sharp breath in when those dark brown eyes of your husband fell on you from afar.

Before he could open his mouth to speak to you, you have already taken a turn towards the ladies washroom, leaving him bamboozled outside while he was finally able to free himself from the clutches of the woman, who was intentionally throwing herself on him.

"I am s-sorry boss, i fell on you." The lady spoke timidly, tugging a strand of her hair behind her ear. "Learn some office etiquettes Miss Hara! If you still require training, I can transfer you from the CEO office to the training department." Jungkook voiced out, a little angry.

Hara shook a bit inwardly and took fearful steps away from him while he blinked his eyes several times, standing there in anger and confusion as a certain uneasiness enquipped his heart.

Did she misunderstood me?

His brain thought for a bit until he slid his palms inside his pockets and shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. "Who cares?!" He puffed out arrogantly before moving out of the office premises while you were still inside the washroom, shedding tears of turmoils as your heart pained reminiscing the sight.

Jungkook's POV :-

Sitting inside the car, my gaze couldn't help but draw towards the location where her car was parked. Will she not come back home or what?

"Drive!!" I ordered my driver but I don't know why my heart screamed the exact opposite of what I instructed him.  Reaching home, I hurried inside, my eyes scanning the foyer, the living room, the staircase and finally her room, just like every other day, to get a glance of her.

How weird!!

I am getting irritated with myself now!!

The only thought since evening that's making a havoc inside my brain is what she must be thinking about me? How did she take the situation? Did she misunderstand me?

But when the second thought crashed inside my brain, why did it affect me?, I clenched my fist in sheer frustration. "Ugghhh! Just let it go Jeon Jungkook!!" I yelled at myself, pushing back my hair before scooting downstairs to have dinner.

My heart started thumping inside my chest as I took small steps down while my eyes fell on the person whom I was yearning to see. "No I was not!" My brain knocked some senses in me and I changed my expressions from tensed to nonchalant.

What the f**k?!?!

I cleared my throat, taking a seat on the dining table and she started serving me what she cooked. Over the months of our forced marriage, we somehow managed to develop this habit of eating together. It feels amusingly strange though.

I looked at her face keenly as she served me rice and veggies. She looked too normal to feel weird but her eyes….were dull….and red.

Did she cry??

Don't tell me…..

I felt a lump in my throat as we started eating in silence. Usually, we talked. Or fought. But it was never so quiet. 'Umm…" I desperately wanted to break this silence. It was becoming awkward.

Somewhere I knew I wanted to clear up things but the fact that she was so distantly cold was making it more difficult for me to open up about whatever happened back in the office.

"Why are your eyes red?" I finally asked.

Weird!! Very weird question Jungkook!!!

She stopped chewing for a couple of seconds before raising her lashes to give me a look. Her eyes were fierce, throwing literal fireballs at me that for a while, my own breaths stopped to give her a compliment.

"Conjunctivitis!' She mouthed and the anger dropping from her voice was quite evident to me.


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