Chapter 1

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Picture Above Of Hana Wilder

A thunderstorm roared outside and the tv on the table flashed with a red banner on the bottom of the screen letting all it's viewers know a severe thunderstorm warning was being issued. The program on tv showing a very big jaguar lounging on a comfy tree branch high up in a tall tree far away from any larger predators. Hana always enjoyed unwinding after a long day at the office by watching Discovery Channel where all her most favorite animals appeared. 

"So tired." 

She yawned with a hand over her mouth before pulling a light blanket over her body to keep warm with. Hana already changed out of her work clothes now wearing a simple white tank top and white pajama shorts to match. Seeing her reflection on the tv a woman who had white skin as white as the clouds in the sky with long light cotton candy pink hair and soft sky blue eyes stared back at her. Hana got her looks from both her mother and father that passed away last spring from a hit and run. Her mother had long light pink hair just like her coupled with dark pink eyes while her father had short dark brown hair and sky blue eyes together she looked like both of them which kept them close to her whenever she saw herself in the mirror. Her father was an American born Italian while her mother was all Japanese which made her half Italian and the rest of her genes were all Japanese like her mother. Hana's parents when they met it was love at first sight for my father that's what he always use to tell me as a young girl. And then my mother would always say how she couldn't resist his charms and found herself falling head over heels in love before too long. It always even now helped her to know that true love was real it wasn't some make believe thing or a legend that people made up. One day Hana too wanted to meet the man that would be her everything that from the moment there eyes meet she'd know in her heart he was the only one for her there would be no one else. 

Hana was so exhausted from working so late today she was the assistant of the boss that owned a very rich well known cat food company. The brand was called Purr and most people she knew from work that had a cat all bought that cat food. It wasn't bad or crappy food neither the stuff was super healthy and even improved many cats lives by eating it or so lots of cat owners had said. Hana wanted to have a pet cat of her own too but because she more or less worked far too long and sometimes late that meant no cat for her sadly. So because she couldn't instead she watched programs on tv about house cats and big wild cats a lot of the time after work or on her days off which was only two days a week. 

The jaguar on the tv opened it's mouth yawning in a way where it curled it's tongue in it's mouth which looked pretty cute. As she laid there on her couch feeling sleep trying to take over her body and mind she yawned again once more. She was thankful that it was finally the weekend that meant she could sleep in tomorrow with no worries. There was no need to get up early the next day instead she could sleep in and enjoy lazing around in bed for a few hours before getting up. Maybe she'd go out later tomorrow and do some clothes shopping that was always fun to do or instead eat out for a change that too was quite a lot of fun as well. 

"I want to do something fun tomorrow..."

Hana whispered out loud to no one in a sleepy voice having no more energy to fight back her bodies need for rest she found her eyes slowly beginning to close. No sooner had she said that did her eyes shut completely quickly falling fast asleep where her dreams came alive. 

As she slept on the couch far too tired so she never made it to her bed there came a red light all around her. The whole room fading away nothing but that bright red light everywhere no longer was she laying on anything now her body was floating like something had a hold of her. Red light like phoenix fire had a grip on her body and wouldn't let go taking her away to somewhere foreign to another world. 

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