Chapter 11

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Oliver's three sons had become full fledged adult male Beastmen and because of this now her jaguar mate and Hana finally gave each one of them a name of there very own. In order of the first born to the last the oldest was named Elliot then the second oldest was named Andrew while last being the youngest was named David. She was a little sad they were no longer cubs anymore but at the same time all the more happy they had grown up into very fine males. And although they were all adults now there personalities hadn't changed one bit at all Elliot was still totally playfully mischievous and his two brothers Andrew and David were as always very chill. That was what made them who they were and she loved them for it but even so no matter how old they were now she'd always see them as her cute little cubs forever it was just how parents were designed. Hana's three adult jaguar sons actually decided to stick around the fortress each of them having claimed there own territory on a higher level of this giant castle like building above the level she and her mates lived on which was the fourth level. So that was a nice surprise knowing her sons saw the fortress as there own home as well just as much and it also meant she'd get to see them from time to time since they lived here too. 

As for Hana after that night some weeks later once her three jaguar cubs had grown up and left the nest she was confirmed to be with more babies in her womb which meant she was of course pregnant all over again. Not affected by food nor throwing up from smells that bothered her nose now it was just back to being careful so the babies were born heathy. The big news got plenty of congratulations from so many of the other wolf Beastmen from Cloud's pack and also some congrats from lots of the female Beastmen around the fortress as well too. 

But the ones the most thrilled over finding out she was pregnant had no doubt been Caesar Oliver and Cloud most of all. The jaguar snake and wolf were all so over the moon with joyful happiness and Hana felt the same really so happy too by the news. There was no way of knowing yet again who the father of the babies was at least not yet once she gave birth the answer would be clear regarding that. Because of that her three Beastmen mates for a time started to argue with the reason being over who was the one to successfully breed her this time before there bickering just as fast quickly dead out. That whole topic of argument most definitely got her face going cherry red but after awhile it eventually faded away replaced by cheeriness inside and out. 

Right now however she was being fed some strawberries by a red python in other words Caesar her gorgeous snake Beastmen. Sitting so comfortably on top of his tail it curled into a circle for her to stay on his lap while Caesar brought yet another red strawberry to her lips before she ate it right from his hand with a smile. 

"Are they good Hana?"

"Yes, there really tasty."

Cloud and Oliver were watching on with envy in there eyes from a distance away a white wolf laying in the grass and a black jaguar lounging all relaxed like up in a tree on a sturdy branch. But then a loud roar over head got them to pull there gaze for the moment away from her to look up to the sky. I know that roar pretty well now, after hearing it so many times. It's Mia's mate Storm. Hana took a second to watch as a huge black dragon flew past where she and her three mates were hanging out beyond the border of the fortress taking notice of how Storm was heading in the direction of the fortress. She'd heard his roar plenty of times now knowing it was his way of calling to his female letting her know he was here and had returned home. Smiling as the dragon vanished from the sky sure that Storm was already back with her daughter Mia. 

With the dragon having left Oliver turned back to gazing at her just as Cloud too did the same thing both of her Beastmen mates showing there strong desire to pamper her too just the way the snake was doing. 

Later that day after eating plenty of sweet strawberries and having a yummy lunch of fresh caught fish from a nearby lake Caesar carried her off to mate surrounded by the most blindingly beautiful yellow sun flowers. But it didn't end there after that then Cloud pulled her away the wolf mating her aggressively with nothing but the eyes of lots of beautiful different colored butterflies around the two of them witnessing there love making. By the time Oliver made a move on her last she was utter jelly from how passionately her tameless jaguar matted her while whispering endless sweet words that had her surrendering to his touch there love surely able to burn up everything to the ground. 

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