Chapter 7

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Over two months had pasted now and as they went by the whole time Hana enjoyed her life with her three very heart stopping handsome Beastmen who she was each the mate of. And recently just a few days ago she learned the best news ever that she was pregnant since Caesar took notice right away when she began eating twice as much food as she normally used to consume day to day now it was a lot more then usual. Her mate had informed her how if it was a Beastmen or female Beastmen both developed very quickly as it grew in the mothers womb which meant she'd not ever be having a long pregnancy since her babies would be Beastmen like their father. Only thing she wasn't so sure about had to be who the father of her child was yet but it would surely become clear after her baby was born though. Caesar Oliver and Cloud all told her how the baby would smell either like a snake a jaguar or a wolf so it would be crystal clear who the father of the baby was. 

Since becoming pregnant all three of her Beastmen mates were extremely over protective with her constantly hovering around her every minute whether she was awake or asleep. Never ever letting her lift a finger to do anything and had forbid her from being outdoors until she gave born to the babies which oddly enough she found all that they were doing and how they were acting to be very lovable and sweet.

Tucked away in the waterfalls cave on the grey fur hide like bed she lay there with Caesar resting her head on the white belly of his very long snake tail as he stroked her pink hair with his hand while Oliver stuck close by in jaguar form nuzzling his big black cat head on her swelling stomach showing affection to the babies inside her womb but most of all to her his mate. Cloud too was near as well in his wolf form keeping his back to hers rubbing himself against her as though to keep her warm and comfortable as he remained at her side. 

It was dusk outside right now and unlike the many days before where she couldn't get enough to eat now she felt full but she hadn't eaten a thing all day today but still for some reason she just felt that way and not to mention also really sleepy. I know Beastmen develop fast but I had no clue it'd be THIS fast. Just a few weeks was all it took to be at full term. I'm...sure I'm close to when I'll give born. After thinking that thought Hana found herself falling in and out of sleep never really going under as if something wouldn't let her really get any rest yet.

"She's really not going to eat anything today huh. I'm worried."

Hearing Oliver's concerned voice while being half awake and half asleep so not all there right now only able to really listen at the moment. 

"Shh. It's because she's about to give birth soon, any time now."

Came Caesar's voice next sounding full of devotion love and warmth but also a ting of worry was heard from him.

"What?! But then, why didn't you tell her?"

"Because this is her first pregnancy, she'd be nervous. Anyway Caesar and I knew she was going to give birth today Oliver. Her belly has gotten so big, it's time."

Was what Cloud said in a matter of factly kind of way making it obvious that both males knew she was about to give birth very soon while only Oliver hadn't noticed yet at least not until they informed him of it. 

"!! I'll go get some water from the lake."

Oliver's voice rose in excitement and joy feeling his head lift off her stomach along with his body heat it soon after vanishing from her after that. 

"Is he always that annoying, that jaguar?"

"....Unfortunately yes, always."

Cloud's wolfish chuckling could be heard at her back sounding fully amused by what Caesar had told him. Hana was lulled into going fully under falling asleep finally thanks in part to listening to the sweet silly banter between her three Beastmen mates. 

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