Chapter 14

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There was no question she was in a great deal of pain thanks to her period right now and it was only day two. As always she couldn't do much when she was like this so Hana took to laying either in the arms of one of her three mates or on the very big comfy bed in the bedroom. With cotton firmly in place same as it was every time she had her period luckily she had no need to fear getting any blood on anything so at least that was a big relief. 

The snow had fallen for three days straight but finally on the fourth day it at last stopped leaving the land everywhere it touched covered now in what looked like a winter wonderland. 

Many of the Beastmen at the fortress seemed to enjoy the snow while others didn't as much but all were pros at hunting prey in the winter weather. And of course that included her hot Beastmen mates who already brought breakfast to her earlier today and now were staying inside with her while she dealt with her monthly period. 

"Hah.... this Heat of mine couldn't be over faster. Nn... oww."

"Shh. Rest Hana. We're here if you need anything."

Whispered her white wolf Beastmen Cloud as he kept close to her side in wolf form doing great at keeping her nice and toasty warm. Surrounded by a big wolf's fur body felt good and more then anything she felt so safe with him with all three of her loving Beastmen mates. Nuzzling against his stomach while he gently licked her cheek once with affection she could only giggle at the sweet show of love he gave her. 

Oliver was a Beastmen at the moment and was perked on the open sill of the window in the big bedroom. Silently keeping watch like a guard protecting his female from any danger that could appear even though the fortress was one of the safest places she'd ever seen and been able to live in. Not many enemies whoever they may be would be crazy enough to try an attack this place where there was more wolf Beastmen then she'd ever seen anywhere so unless you were dumb you'd never think twice to attack this fortress nor Cloud's pack. 

A big red python was sleeping close to the bed she and Cloud were both laying upon just relaxing and taking a snake nap. Quietly she watched Caesar's chest as it rose slowly then fell doing so many times before her eyes drifted lazily over to watching Oliver and how the felines long black tail swaying back and forth lots in a very steady rhythm. With her mind momentarily on them that did help to distract her from the pain inside her body but of course that didn't last long enough and once more she was back to whimpering under her breath. So since there wasn't much else to do about how things were Hana's only way to get away from the pain was to sleep and so she did just that. 

Three days after that she was finally free of her period and so very glad it was behind her. Today was a chilly day same as it was lately with it being winter time now and all but these quiet days were also very calm. Other then hearing or seeing about plenty of successful hunts so many of the male Beastmen had the same way her amazing mates had most days were peaceful in this winter season. 

Relaxing just her and Cloud today with Oliver outside having decided to take a cat nap up in one of the less snow covered trees while he sun bathed and Caesar went off to the hot springs enjoying a warm dip in the waters there after another cold winter day. 

Hands were already busy groping her breasts a lot now that Hana and Cloud found themselves alone right now. Out in the living room both sitting next to the wooden living room table her hunky wolf skillfully stripped his female of all her clothes and her boots in a flash. Left completely naked Hana felt his golden eyes roaming her body taking in every inch that was laid bare to him just before he spoke in a lust fueled growly way.

"Female, you look so lovely. I want to mate."

"I want to mate as well Cloud."

"Hah hah, that's good."

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