Chapter 2

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Picture Above Of Oliver The Black Jaguar Beastmen

"Female. Female I'm back wake up."


Opening her blue eyes she's greeted by a pair of piercing yellow feline eyes staring back at her patiently waiting for her to wake up. Slowly becoming alert Hana yawns as she sits up waking up completely when she see's what looks like two big dead fish that were sitting just outside the front door. Even though she wasn't one for eating fish a lot where she came come Hana wasn't going to get picky since having something to eat at all was better then nothing whatsoever. Her stomach growled loudly once again telling her it wanted to eat making her feel glad she'd decided to take a nap it helping to distract her need for food at least for a short while. Not knowing how long she actually slept but since the sun was still shinning brightly outside it probably wasn't that long at all. 

Hana took notice then that Oliver was a jaguar right now looking at her silently before nuzzling her cheek using his head. She smiled nuzzling right on back growing used to his shows of affection towards her and liking the feel of his silky black fur against her skin. When he stopped nuzzling her face to look at her again he spoke his voice sounding self proud of what he'd done and brought back to her.

"I caught some fish outside the city walls. I made sure to get big ones for you."

"Heh thank you Oliver. They look really good. Do you always hunt outside the city like that?"

"Always. Lots of prey live all around the outside of the city there spread out all the way to the coast where the ocean is. So there is plenty of prey to find."

"Oh wow that's good then. Um but I can't eat raw fish I-I'd get sick."


Oliver's ears pricked a bit at that comment looking protective and worried all at the same time making her think he was so sweet.

"If we make a small camp fire and cook the fish then it'll be safe for me to eat it."

"You have to use fire...?"

Hana made a confused face not sure why he wasn't looking very thrilled with the idea of using fire to cook with. Seeing how his ears on his head flipped back and his yellow eyes became a bit on guard and uncomfortable. Wanting to ease his strong dislike of fire she giggled a little which helped to make him stare at her with curious eyes.

"Hehe yes fire is a must. Don't worry though if you keep a watchful eye on the fire it won't do any harm."

"I'm... not too sure about that. Fire is very dangerous but if my female needs it in order to cook her food to be able to eat then I'll do it for her."

"Your the best."

"And don't you forget it."

"Haha I sure won't."

Smirking all playfully like Oliver licked her cheek getting a feel of that sand paper tongue of his for the first time. Small bumps touched her skin as she giggled a lot more getting the feeling she'd end up liking when he licked her cheek. Once he stopped licking her he turned away walking outside the open front wood door then changed into his human like form same as always. Picking up the fish he'd caught Oliver came back inside and placed it on the small table she was sitting next to then left the stone house again this time he was gone for awhile. An hour later he returned in jaguar form with a big load of wood sticks in his mouth dropping then right next to the table before changing again into a man. 

"Will this much wood work?"

"Yes this is plenty. We just need a few small rocks to place around the wood now before we light it."

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