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˚꒦꒷☁️꒷ Adventurously Normal Life˚﹆

[Yeonjun POV]

My life is normal. A simple routine which is usually always the same. Waking up, going to University, coming back, sleep and the other usual chores. You may think it's boring and so normal but for me it's adventurously normal. No-no don't think that I'm doing a part time job of being a superman saving the world. To be honest I am saving the world by being a professor, I'm saving the butter and bread of models out there by choosing to become a professor and also saving these assholes from failing which they already are.

Lemme introduce myself,
I'm Choi Yeonjun, half Korean. My Dad is Korean and Mom is from London. They got divorced when I was like 6 or 5? My mum got custody and we came back to her home land leaving dad alone there. After turning 18 I left my mum. Not that she protested for me to stay. Anyways, I'm a quiet person. Like hell I'm interested in these excuses of human existence.

With a personality like me it's hard to have any friends. Real friends. So I don't have any fri-

"Hyung you can't forget me like this"

Except this unique creature which claims to be my best friend.
Well he is.

And the creature barged into my room, pulled my duvet and then jumped on me.


"You idiot! Get up from above me before I kick you out of my house." I yelled while bearing the pain of my backache. All thanks to him.

"I love you and I'm just showing it to you. Don't behave like this, I love you." he said and hugged me like there's no tomorrow.

"Okay stop being Gay now." I growled at him and he flinched and backed away. Finally.

"I'm bi but gay only for you~" he gave me a wink with a creepy smile.

"You are a disgusting shit" I said and made my way towards the bathroom.

"But you love this disgusting shit." He yelled, and I closed the bathroom door.
I got out of my bathroom after doing my business.

"Keep your businesses clean!!! Mommy don't know daddy's getting hot! At the body shop doing something unholy"  My unique creature was singing no screaming at the top of his lungs.

That said, my life is adventurously normal!!!

I still give second thought to why I agreed to live with him in the same freaking house?

"Because you love me and I love youuu" Here he goes again. He's yelling that from the kitchen probably. How did he know what I was thinking?
Is this what we call telepathy?

"Baby, why are you taking this much time?" He yelled and I got up and quickly walked to the kitchen.

"Make some breakfast fast!!!! I'm dying to eat something" He said while munching cookies.

"You already are" I rolled my eyes and went to the stove.

Well I'm the chef of the house cuz his highness can't cook to save his life.

"Today is Sunday and our fun day. Let's go on a date." He said and I served him breakfast and sat with him.

"If you want to go on a date then find a boyfriend or girlfriend and go wherever you want." I said and kept eating my breakfast.

"If you forgot hyung, I'm single."  He said and I ignored him.

"So hyung we are going for a date, you don't have anything better to do anyways." His Annoying high pitched voice will kill me someday.

I accepted my defeat, I'll have to go. I quickly got dressed and went to find my date aka Huening dumbass Kai.

I knocked on his door. Once. Twice. Thrice. Four ice?

"Aren't you ready yet?" I asked him.

"I am" he said from behind me?

I turned to look at the devil sitting on the couch in the living room instead.

"You should have told me at first when I was knocking" I glared at him.

"I thought I would, but then a message popped up so I thought to reply first." He said, still replying to his more important message than me.

"Shall we go now?" Let's ignore the irritation in my voice.

"We shall. You know I'll treat you to sweets today. You know why?" He asked and I amusingly asked him. "Why?"

"Because you are turning so sour nowadays!!! I can't keep up with your irritating behaviour" He huffed and I still do not believe how I ended up with him as my best friend. God!!!!

︶꒷꒦︶ ๋ ࣭ ⭑

Hello Luvs! This is the very first chapter with some Yeonkai being besties~
I hope y'all liked the first chap! Beomgyu will have his entry very soon! See you in the next chapter!

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