나의 햇살 | ten

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˚꒦꒷☁️꒷ Café date !˚﹆

[Yeonjun POV]

After the 15 mins ride from the subway we are here at the book cafe! We entered the cafe and it looked so aesthetic!

Okay everything nowadays is aesthetic.

"Omg it's so pretty" Kai's shrill voice echoed in the cafe and now everyone is looking at us.

Better ways to avoid the attention is leave him immediately. I quickly went to the other side near the bookshelf.

All the books here are nice and many of them attracted me but I'm still finding the right one.

"Gotcha" I smile internally.

It's a book about a lady spy and her adventurous mission and by looking at the dedication I know I'm gonna love it. I took it and went to sit where Kai was sitting.

I pulled the chair, he looked up for a second then back to his book.

I was engrossed in my book when the waiter disturbed me, asking what I would like to have. I placed the order and went back to my book land.

It's been 1 hour since we arrived. Hyuka and I both are so engrossed in our books that we haven't shared a single word since the moment we have entered here.

Suddenly it started to rain. I'm not a fan of it but yeah sometimes I find it calming.

I closed the book before putting the bookmark and went near the glass wall to look at the rain.
Everyone has their own view to see rain. Some feel gross and frustrated while others find peace in it.

I belong to the middle one. Neither it is purely gross nor exactly peaceful.

It's soothing and calming.
I don't like it on work days but I can enjoy it on weekends. When I have a cup of coffee and music in the background with the light sound of pouring rain.

I let my eyes look everywhere in front of me before it stopped on a particular person outside the café under a shed.

I let my eyes look everywhere in front of me before it stopped on a particular person outside the café under a shed

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Is it really him? Or am I hallucinating? I conclude now that he is everywhere I go.

︶꒷꒦︶ ๋ ࣭ +

Hello Luvs!! Here's the update~
It's raining here rn too so it fits the story too lol. And Yeonjun's opinion on rain is actually my opinion lmao. I neither like nor hate the rain.
Anyways see y'all in the next chapter!

𝐌𝐘 𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐄 | YeongyuWhere stories live. Discover now