나의 햇살 | nineteen

306 17 12

˚꒦꒷☁️꒷ Ditched by my dearest !˚﹆

[Yeonjun POV]

Monday. Monday mornings are shit. After sleeping like sloth on Sunday morning of course it will be shit. Still got to get up and go to teach ABCD. Hahahahah did I just make fun of my profession?

Students here are looking more refreshed than me. I made my way to my office.

"Mr. Choi." I stopped and turned to look at Mr. Matheny.

"Good morning, actually can I exchange classes with you? At the time of my classes I have to be somewhere and because of exams coming I can't skip the lecture. So can you please take mine while I take yours?" He pleaded. I like men who are dedicated and he is definitely.

"Sure." In Front of his whole paragraph my 4 alphabets are so small but sorry I can't give much more than that.

"Thank you " he gave me an awkward smile to which I just nodded.

I went to my office because I don't have any classes to take till 10, it's 9 o'clock right now. I have three classes continuously after 10. After that I leave for my house.

I made myself busy with the loaded up work. The time went like that. I didn't notice it but now it's been one hour since I started working. Now let's take a stroll around the canteen and get some iced Americano

I was sipping my Americano when someone tapped on my shoulder, I looked up to find those light brown eyes looking at mine.

He gave me his bright smile and now I am noticing that we haven't talked after what happened on Friday. To be honest I have noticed it but I really don't want to admit it. I wanted to meet him or atleast talk with him on the phone but couldn't approach him.

"Hey sunshine." He took the seat infront of me.

"Hiii." This is the first time I am not arguing with him when called me sunshine.

He first chuckled and looked away then back at me. He should have become a model. I am smitten. Wait, why did I think that? Stupid.

"We are meeting after a long." He spoke.

"Nope. It wasn't that long." I replied, taking another sip.

"Maybe not for you but for me it was." The way those words came out of his mouth I felt something tingling inside me.

How can a few simple words do that?
"Thanks for that day." He said with a blush covering his cheeks.

"Ummm..welcome." I replied not looking at his way. It's awkward.

"I want to thank Pearl also, that's why I'm inviting you both to my place this weekend." His eyes glistened with excitement but sadly you won't get what you want boy.

"Where you got lost-" he snapped his two fingers in front of me "I'm waiting for your reply."

"Thanks for inviting us, I really appreciate that but I have other plans, so we can't come." I politely refused him which is amusing me cuz me and POLITE? impossible, hahaha.

"Ohhh I understand.." his voice came out sad and low.

"You don't have to get upset about it now, my mum has invited me to her sister's house for a get-together." Irritation is rising up inside me even with the thought of it.

"Ohhh nice!! Enjoy with your family" he said.

"Yes! I'll and now I have to go back. My classes will start." I give him a tight lipped smile and went away with that.

Enjoy!! Yeah sure. I definitely will.

So finally I am here, in front of the hellhole, alone. I am having seconds thoughts, can I fucking just run away and hide in somewhere?

"Nah bitch you can't." My subconscious said and I groaned. I hate my stupid life sometimes.

Kai ditched me. I wanna cry. How will I survive alone?? Why god? Why is it always me??? I can't stand that mother-daughter duo.

I was busy with my misery outside the house, deciding whether I should go inside or not then my phone started to ring. It's Kai. Why is he calling me now??

"Hey my dearest." His voice was heard from the other side.

"Ofcourse I am his dearest. That's why he left me alone to come here and sacrifice myself." I thought.

"Why did you call me?" I said, sounding rude. I'll probably regret it later but anyways.

"Awwww hyung is angry huh?" He said in his cute aegyo voice. Not melting.

"Just say it." I demanded. I am already going crazy because I have to face those idiots.

"Okie! Just turn around and look for something or someone familiar." Now I am confused by his words, still I turned around to look for what she wanted me to look at.

"Yeah I saw a uncle who is Ellen's neighbor." I replied after noticing the uncle, he is the only one whom I have noticed whenever I came here. He is old but sweet, sweeter than my aunt.

"And he says he is smart." Kai replied. He must have rolled his eyes, I know.

"Shut up and come to the po-" I started speaking but my words got stuck inside my throat as I saw him. What the hell?

︶꒷꒦︶ ๋ ࣭ +

Hello Luvs! I hope y'all liked this chapter! Enjoy seeing Yeonjun suffer lmaooo.

Also, not me having a shit ton of notes to write but I'm doing nothing about it💀👍 I'll die when exam comes fr-
Anygays see you in the next chapter! Byeee

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