나의 햇살 | eighteen

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˚꒦꒷☁️꒷ No escape !˚﹆

[Yeonjun POV]

With the way we talked, you may think that I have problems with her. I have but they aren't that intense. Just a few disagreements.

After my parents divorced, I actually don't remember those happy days with them when they were still married. I was just 5 or 6 at the time. I don't even know if I was happy or not. After mum and I moved out, we were still in contact. Dad used to visit us precisely. He was the one who wanted me to be raised by my mum, in which she agreed. My father didn't abandon me . He wanted me to be with my mother because according to him, he couldn't raise me as well as mom has. Mom says he can be very irresponsible.

They always had that mutual understanding, still they got separated. Which is the biggest question of my life.

Thank god they don't fight like other divorcees. They are more like pals. It's just Ellen, my mother's elder sister, who doesn't leave a chance to taunt Dad. I despise her. She is the kind of lady who can't keep her ugly nose to herself.

Well she is lucky to have a sis like my mom. My mom's remarks shut her up.

[Timeskip to Evening]

I am attending a concert of my favourite band. I am fucking here. Can you believe it????

"I am a loser,I am a loser, a lover with a dollar sign is a loser." I am screaming at the top of my lungs with others. I am living my dreams. I am finally here, attending my lifetime dream.

"Get up, your highness." Someone said and now I know it's a dream like always.

I opened my eyes. Kai is sitting with my legs on his lap at the other end of the couch.

"When did you come?" I asked him despite the fact that I should be crying for the heartbreak I just got from the dream.

"10 minutes ago." He seems tired. His job is like that, can't do anything.

"You go fresh'n up. I'll order something." I got up and took my phone to order something for us.

Till the time he came back the food was here. Perfect timing.

I served both of us food. I can be a good husband. I got settled in my seat
"So what's up?" I asked him.

"Uh..nothing! I am just tired. Sometimes I feel really fucked up with this job. Seeing criminals committing crimes can be traumatic. But I choose it for myself." My unique creature said, plopping beside me on the couch.

"Well you enjoy being Sherlock, don't lie." I teased him to cheer him up.

"Having the mind of Sherlock Holmes and skills like James Bond, I can't disagree with that." And we laughed together.

We talked about his day and how I was bored the whole day. Finally mum's topic came which I was waiting eagerly to reveal.

"So are you planning to take someone with you? I suggest you should." Kai said and I raised my eyebrows at that.

"Someone has to get your back." He shrugged it off like it was so obvious.

"Why will I need that?" I asked.

"Your aunt's existence is a reason enough hyung." Saying that, he got up to wash his plates.

I followed her.

"Agreed. So you are coming with me." I said sitting at the kitchen side counter.

"Sweetheart I have a meeting lined up with the clients my boss wants to work for and I really would never go to that hellhole again." Kai declared. He got an escape but why can't I?

"Because they are your bloodsuckers, not her." My inner voice said. Why does it always take me back to reality? I hate my brain.

After a min or two he broke the silence.
"You can take any other friends with you."

"You know I don't have any." I jumped off the counter as he was done.

"You have to just look around, you got him, don't you?" Kai said like he is giving me moral knowledge.

"What has gotten into you? Why are you behaving so mature type." I took a step forward to check his forehead.

"I am always mature. You act mature and to balance that I act childish but when you are being immature and dumb then it's my duty to show you the lines of righteousness." My mouth was hanging open. Now I know why I'm friends with this guy right here. My choice is the best.

"Good night Yeonjun hyung. Close your mouth otherwise it will hurt later if you keep it that way." Kai said and I closed my mouth.

"Good night." I replied back.

︶꒷꒦︶ ๋ ࣭ +

Hello Luvs!! I'm back from the dead for this story!! Hope y'all liked this chapter!! See you in the next one! I didn't re-check it so sorry for mistakes. Byeee

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