나의 햇살 | twenty-two

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˚꒦꒷☁️꒷ Love is a 7-letter word !˚﹆

[Author POV]

"Now you can leave my hands." Yeonjun jerked his hand out of his grip.

"Thanks for pretending." He huffed, behaving like all that happened was nothing but an act in the theatre.

"What do you mean?" Beomgyu asked, confused. He was trying to look into his eyes but Yeonjun's eyes were downcast.

"All that... that you like me and all the support, care....from start to end...I don't know why you did all this but I am thankful, but please I am fine on my own...you don't have to do anything for me ever again. We are two different people, polar opposites, you can never like me... I am not worthy of you." Yeonjun spoke.

He has no idea just when he started to fall for Beomgyu. He never intended to fall for anyone, not him at least. But Beomgyu just dived head first into his heart, making a permanent place there.

Yeonjun was scared, the last time he remembers dating someone was in Highschool. Why would someone like Beomgyu, so Cheerful, a Ray of Sunshine, so sweet and a perfect mix of a tease and caring person would fall for someone like him? He didn't want to keep his hopes high.

He was still avoiding eye-contact with Beomgyu, so he pushed him gently against his car. He was fuming with anger but still he had a soft tone while speaking to Yeonjun.

"And what made you think that was just an Act, Yeonjun?" He said, his tone sharp and direct, which made Yeonjun flinch. Beomgyu lifted his chin up with his fingers, so he would look up at him.

"I don't care if you are unworthy for others or not, but for me you are enough, I don't need more. I would never. Believe me, I like you and you only. I am not ashamed of liking you. Never. You make me feel safe, I want to look at you everytime, listen only to you, tease only you, and follow you around like a damn puppy! I want to be a part of you and your life." He said looking at Yeonjun with full sincerity, and it would be an understatement to say Yeonjun was losing his breath.

Their faces were inches apart, Yeonjun could count every single one of Beomgyu's pretty lashes now.

"I'm afraid it's a dream." Yeonjun whispered, afraid that the dream would end and he would wake up to reality.

But Beomgyu, oh so sweet Beomgyu, put his hands on his cheek to remind him that this was indeed real.

"It's not. You and I, we are real." He caressed his cheeks. A warm feeling rushed through his soul.

"Do you want this? Us? To be real?"  Beomgyu asked, a hint of nervousness and hope in his eyes.

Yeonjun leaned forward, placing a small, and sweet kiss on Beomgyu's lips.

He didn't confess a word but his actions weren't hidden.

"Did that answer your question?" He looked at Beomgyu shyly.

Who knew, once the bold and rude professor will be this shy?

Beomgyu smiled, and pulled him closer, their lips gently moulded together. That kiss you read and imagine, they got a taste of it. Longing, affection and every feeling they have was tangled together with their lips. It wasn't furious and demanding, it was rather giving. They put each other first.

"I imagined it to be like this." Beomgyu chuckled and he was amused by his words.

"You imagined us?" He asked with a surprised look. Beomgyu put both his hands on his waist, tugging him closer.

"Sunshine, you are the only one I ever dreamed of." He replied with a grin.

Beomgyu was addicted to him, his shy yet bold eyes, his silky black hair, his beautiful brown eyes, yes; he was addicted with everything that made him..him. His imperfection made him look more beautiful in his eyes.

"Let's go" He grabbed his hands and pushed him to the driving seat, handing Yeonjun the keys.

"Drive and I'll look at you" He chirped gleefully.

"Uh Huh" Yeonjun smirked.

"I know, I am handsome but you are making it so obvious Mr.Choi." Yeonjun said with a smug smile.

"I mean, isn't it Obvious I'm head over heels for you already?" Beomgyu said with a chuckle, and his words made Yeonjun chuckle as well. This man was something else, so shameless and bold.

He roared the engine back to its life.
"So, I'm driving us to my house." Yeonjun said and started driving, while Beomgyu was looking at him with a fond smile.

"Already drinking my Visuals up huh?" Yeonjun teased him.

"Sunshine!" He whined, with a blush on his face.

Yeonjun just laughed and continued to drive.

Finally Yeonjun realised, that love indeed was more than just a four-letter word. For him, it was a seven-lettered word. Beomgyu.
They never had to force love, both of them were unconsciously flowing in the river of feelings from the moment their eyes met. And now, both their Rivers joined the Sea of their Newly Blooming Love together.

The end.

︶꒷꒦︶ ๋ ࣭ +

Hello Luvs!! Finally this book comes to an end! I enjoyed writing this so much, and. I hope you all enjoyed reading this book! I will miss updating this and reading y'all's comments T-T.

Thankyou for reaching this far<33
I'll bless y'all with a Bonus chapter too! So look forward to it! So, take care my Luvs! Byee!

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