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First ever book! Hope yall enjoy :)
Chapter word count: 868


Larry always enjoyed spending time with Tanner. Theyd talk about anything and everything for hours. Larry was sat on the large beanbag they had as Tanner sat in the nook of the couch, holding a pillow on his lap as he giggled and chatted with larry. All their other friends had decided to go out tonight, But Larry and tanner decided to stay back. Tanner was his best friend, but sometimes, he couldn't help but stare.

Stare at his beautiful brown eyes. Stare at his pale skin. Stare at his short curly hair. Stare at his dumb little smile that he always had on. Stare at him.

"Larry?" Tanner asked, a concerned look on his face. As his warm eyes cut into larry.

"Hm?" Larry replied, Tanner calling his name snapping him out of the trance he was in, a dumb look on his face as he blinked, an uncomfortable silence filling the air between the two before Tanner decided to speak up.

"You good man? You were just staring at me." Tanner replied, a solicitous look on his face as he carefully studied Larrys face, seemingly looking for any changes in emotions.

Larry, realizing he'd been caught ogling at his best friend, Nervously smiled at tanner before nodding.

"Yup. Im all good." Larry replied as he got adjusted himself on the bean bag.

Tanner slowly nodded. His eyes narrowing as his brows furrowed. He didn't believe Larry and his bullshit lie for a second, but he decided to drop it.

"You should sit next to me." Tanner said, Patting the empty spot on the side of the couch as he smiled, scooting over to make more room for the smaller boy.

Without wasting a second, Larry got up and sat next to Tanner who wrapped his arm around him, gripping the Tv remote in his other hand as he flipped through Netflix, looking for a movie or a show to watch.

Larry cheeks burned a bright red when Tanner wrapped his large arms around his shoulder, pulling him closer. It was common for tanner to display his affection with his friends, especially with larry, but this time it felt different.

Larry's heart was beating as if he had just run a mile. His stomach felt fluttery and his palms were sweaty as he tried to wipe them onto his grey sweatpants. What was this feeling? Why was he feeling like this?


It had been days since the thing with tanner, but Larry couldn't help but lay in his bed, looking up at the dark ceiling as he pondered about the situation.

Quiet music played from his TV, 'Telephones' By vacations echoed in his head, only reminding him of what happened days before.

He decided to sit up, checking the alarm clock that sat on his nightstand It was 4:06 am. He shook his head, a slight disbelief as he reached over, grabbing his phone off the charger, opening his messages.

Could we talk when you wake up dude?
Delivered at 4:06 am

It was late, and he knew that tanner wouldn't respond until at least 7:00 am. He sat in his bed, bringing his knees to his chest as he stared at the text for a few minutes before shutting off his phone, angrily throwing it across the room, a crack sound coming from the phone as it harshly smacked against the wall, falling to the floor.

"Fuck!" Larry shouted as he grabbed at the sides of his head. His thoughts were disquieting to him, bubbling and gurgling in his head as slow and sad music played in the background.


Hours had passed, but larry hadn't slept. His thoughts had clawed at his mind all night like an angry cat. Tear stains lingered on his cheeks, his eyes puffy and red as he sat on the corner of his bed.

What was up with him? The tingling feeling he felt when tanner would brush up against him, smile at him, or jokingly kiss his forehead. It made his guts feel like they were slithering around inside of him. It made his cheeks red. It made his palms sweaty. Larry had only felt this one time before. Was this a crush?

Did he have a crush on tanner?

He fucking did. The realization made him want to throw up. His head spun as he continued to pull at his long, Raven black hair.

Just as tears started to spill from his eyes, he heard a distant buzz from his phone, which was still across the room after he threw it across the room in a rage.

He walked over to it, picking it up, ignoring the cracked screen as he swiped up and opened his messages.

Could we talk when you wake up dude?
Read at 9:15 am

Tanner 🫶🏼:
Yeah sure man. Do you want me to come in your room?
Read at 9:16 am

Yes please
Read at 9:16 am

Chapter end!!

First chapter! It was super short so im planning on making most of them at least 2000 words or more so that its fun to read.

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