498 5 39

Word count: 1142

Separation anxiety chapter omgomg (totally not the author self projecting 🗣️)


The past few days were cruel for Tanner.

Larry had gone on a trip with his old friends to some resort on the west coast, leaving Tanner behind.

Larry repeatedly asked if Tanner wanted to go, but he declined every time, not wanting to intrude on his vacation.

God, he sure does regret that.

Larry had only been gone for two days, but it felt like years to Tanner as he impatiently waited for a call from him.

They had called every night for the past few days that Larry was away, simply talking to each other about how their day was. It was the only thing that was keeping Tanner at bay.

Not this time.

Hours had passed, and still no call from Larry. Tanner became impatient, anxious, and upset all at the same time. 'Where was Larry? What was he doing? Was he okay?' Tanner panicked, Pulling up his messages between Larry and himself.


Can we call?

Ur probably out with your friends srry

Just text me back when you can
Read 1:07 am.

Larebear 👨🏻‍🎤:
Sorry I can't call 2nite

Read 1:36 am

I thought u were coming back tmmrw?
Read 1:40 am

Larebear 👨🏻‍🎤:
I am but im coming back late

At like 7:30
Read 1:41 am


Have fun I mjss you

Read 2:26 am

Are you serious? Did Larry actually leave him on read? Whatever. Larry was probably asleep.

But what if he wasn't? What if something bad happened? Or he's with somebody else? No. He wouldn't. – Right?

Why did Tanner feel so weird about this? It wasn't like he hadn't been away from Larry before, but this felt different.

It felt like the world was ending. This was so fucking embarrassing. He was acting like a toddler but he couldn't help it. Fear was eating away at him slowly, causing him to be glued to his bed, not wanting to get up for anything.

It wasn't like he was completely alone. The other three were still home, probably watching some random movie they came across while scrolling through the catalog, but he still felt as if he was in solitary, intense feelings of melancholy rushing over him in long and intense waves.

Even when the other's tried to coax him out of his room, he just ignored them, pretending like he was asleep until they went away.

Almost on cue, a knock on his door made him jump a little.

"Tannerr.." Yumi teased, dragging along the r for a dramatic affect.

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