641 8 33

Word Count: 3448


It was 3:08 am, and all 5 boys had just come back from some random party one of their friends had hosted.

"That shit was some hot ass." Yumi said, plopping down onto the couch as the others quickly followed behind him.

They all sat in the same seats they always did, Nick and Isaac closely huddled together one the far left, yumi sprawled out in the middle as he cradled one of the many pochita plushies Isaac had bought off of impulse, and Tanner and Larry holding each other on the far right.

"They had no drinks." Larry added on, letting out a disappointed sigh.

"We wouldn't have let you drink. You're just a baby." Nick quickly replied as he mindlessly scrolled through twitter, Isaac peering over his shoulder.

As Larry and Nick playfully bantered, Larry felt those familiar warm hands slither around his waist, pulling him closer.

Tanner looked burnt out. His face was slightly droopy and his arms rested around Larrys waist, making Larry melt.

Nick shot them a teasing look, causing Tanner to roll his eyes in annoyance as he screwed his eyes shut, running one of his hands through his boyfriend's hair as the other held Larry in an iron grip, drawing shapes onto Larrys hand which rested near his right hip. Even when he was pissed he loved to smother Larry in love.

"You guys are so gay its crazy." Nick chuckled, causing the Isaac and Yumi to shoot their eyes up from their phones, laughing a little aswell.

"Nah. Their PDA don't bother me." Isaac jokingly remarked, almost oblivious to the real situation.

"Shut the fuck up." Larry chuckled as he shook his head, causing isaac to shoot a fake offended look his way.

"You're a bitch!" Isaac responded, ignoring Yumi's loud guffawing.

"Shut up for the love of god you three. I have a head ache." Tanner complained, throwing a blanket over the two, passing Yumi the remote that sat on the side of Larry.

"We know. You've been talking about it since the car ride home." Yumi scoffed, throwing one of the many blankets onto his lap.

"Pick a movie Yumi." Tanner said tiredly, Lazily throwing the remote his way, Causing upset groans to erupt from the group.

"Why would you let this fucking dumbass pick a movie? He only picks the scariest, gut wrenching ones from like 40 years ago." Larry groaned, looking up at Tanner, who seemed to have annoyed expression on his face.

Larry took the hint that he should probably chill out. He didn't want Tanner to go on those long tangents he always did when he was upset.

"Yall always doubting me." Yumi rolled his eyes, opening up HBO.

"HBO? What are you a grandpa?" Nick asked teasingly as he saw Yumi scroll past all the movies he usually picked.

"Shut the fuck up. Lego Movie or Ponyo?" Yumi asked, flicking back and forth through the two movies.

Larry, Nick, and Issac voted on Ponyo while Yumi and Tanner voted on the Lego Movie.

"What? The Lego Movie is literally the best piece of cinema, Larry." Explained Tanner, chuckling. He hadn't laughed in almost two hours due to his 'Raging headache.'

Larry rolled his eyes as he simply shook his head, Lying onto the brunettes chest.

"You okay?" Larry whispered, making sure that Tanner was alright and not overwhelmed with the bickering and his headache that he kept making clear he had.

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