487 3 31

Word count: 1912

Larry chapter yayyy!!!

I feel obligated to put TW's cause this chapter is anything but silly..

TW: suicidal ideations, hints of previous self-harm , mood-swings, arguing, negative self image.

The hot and sticky room suffocated Larry as he tossed and turned in his bed. Tanner woke him up when he snuck out the room, and he couldn't sleep anymore.

It was weird. He had been sleeping alone for a week, so why now did he want to sleep with Tanner so bad?

Whatever. It was 6:00 am anyway, so he figured that it was a good idea to get ready for the day.

He lazily got up from the bed, the sheet sticking to his back a little from the sweat before he peeled it off, scoffing in disgust.

Basically all of his things were in the new house, so in his room was just a bed and some clothes.

He picked a pair of shorts and a tanktop from the pile of clothes on the floor before opening the door to the bathroom.

Humid air hit his face, causing him to groan before he flicked the light-switch on and placed his clothes on the counter.

Tanner was supposed to take him bowling today, so he was a little excited about that as he peeled off the little clothing he was wearing due to his hellhole of a house feeling like the ring of fire.

They've been on "dates" before, but they've never been on one by themselves.

It was always with the group or at least one other member. Larry almost shivered at the thought of actually going on a date alone with Tanner.

Was it going to be awkward? What if he messes up and embarrasses himself?

Larry vigorously scrubbed shampoo into his hair as he thought, leaning his head into the water to wash it out before going for his conditioner.

A little got into his eyes, causing him to drop the bottle and reach for the towel.

"Ow! Fuck, my eyes!" He exclaimed, dabbing his face dry and angrily stepping out the shower, turning it off with a wack to the handle.

"I Hate this fucking house." Muttered Larry, throwing on his outfit for the day and closing the door.

The house was pretty much abandoned except for the furniture that had already been there. Yumi, Isaac, Nick, and technically Tanner had already moved out. Tanner was just there to help Larry pack.

Since all they had to pack left was Larry's bed, they would most likely be leaving by tomorrow.

He creeped down the stairs to find Tanner sprawled out on the couch, his eyes bolted shut and his face smushed against the fabric.

Larry giggled, backing up a couple of steps for a head start before jumping onto the couch, effectively scaring Tanner awake in the process.

Tanners eyes shot awake, but he didnt say anything. He just kind of looked at Larry. He didn't look mad. He was just staring.

"You good man?" Larry asked, his eyebrows furrowing in concern.

Tanner shook his head no, holding his stomach in what seemed to be pain.

"Oh no." A frown crept onto Larry's face. Guess the date wasn't happening after all.

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