812 9 7

Word count: 1286

Larry looked at the note, then at Tanner, then back at the note again.

He chewed on his bottom lip, contemplating what he was going to say.

"You don't have to say anything." Said Tanner, almost reading his mind.

Larry slowly nodded. He was just staring at the note. He didn't know what to do. Should he hug him? Just sit there? Say something? This was all so confusing. He hadn't been in a relationship since he was 17. What was he supposed even do?

Tanner saw the vacant expression on Larry's face, causing him to awkwardly chuckle at the others expression.

"You uh...You good Lar?" Tanner asked, plopping onto the bed as he waited for Larry's answer.

"Yeah..just confused." Larry replied as he took the sticky note, sticking it onto his desk before joining tanner on the bed. Sitting next to him as he laid down.

"Believe me. Im just as confused." Tanner said, nervously interlocking his hands with larry and rubbing it with his thumb.

"Im guessing you've never dated a boy before?"


They sat in silence for a few minutes, just holding hands as an oddly comforting buzz of the TV filled the air. The silence was eventually broken when larry asked a question.

"So..are you okay with me telling other people?" The ravenette asked, his voice sounded calm and low. He was blushing, but he wasn't nervous anymore.

Tanner hesitated. His face was hard to read as always, but it looked like the words were replaying in his mind — Taunting him.

"We don't have to. You can come out on your own time." Larry nervously smiled as he laid down next to tanner. Tanner was still sitting up, and he look distraught.

"Are you sure? Its not like I don't want to...I just don't..uh.." Tanner snapped his fingers, trying to remember the words.

"Come out?"


Larry pushed Tanner back playfully, smiling at him. Their faces were inches apart — almost touching.

"Trust me. Well be fine. We can figure it out together." Larry said, pushing a small strand of hair away from the tallers face.


The placid sound of rain echoed through the house, pattering gently against the roof and walls as it fogged up Larry's window.

Tanner laid beside him, But Larry sat up, wide awake. His mind was racing and he bit his nails as he looked out the dark and foggy window. It was still dark considering it was about 3 AM.

Why was this happening? He told tanner his feelings, So he shouldn't be anxious — Right?

His heart pounded as he looked over at the snoozing brunette. His hair was messy and his arm lazily hung off the bed as he lightly snored.

Larry couldn't sleep, and he knew he wasn't going to anytime soon, so he decided to sneakily crawl out of the bed, grabbing the keys that laid on his dresser.

It was still rainy, so he decided to grab a sweater as he creeped down the stairs.

The stairs were creaky, but the sound was drowned out by Yumi's shouting. He was doing some stupid late night stream.

With his wallet, keys, and phone, he made it to the front door, gently stepping out into the rain.

His hair was almost immediately drenched, leaking into his face as he scurried into his car.

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