634 7 21

Word count: 1938

(This one is a little crazy so just bare with me here please 🙏🏽)


Larry woke up, but he didn't want to get up. It was hot in his room, and the heat always made him sluggish.

He sat up in his bed, almost immediately realizing that Tanner wasn't next to him.

"The hell? Did he get up early?" Larry shrugged, taking a deep breath before he eventually stretched, lifting himself off of his bed, shuffling over to Tanners room and lightly knocking against the door.



"Its Larry. Could I come in?" Larry asked, waiting for approval.

"Uh yeah." Tanner said, waiting for Larry to open the door and peak in.

Larry turned the handle, gently opening the door. He was just sitting in his bed, scrolling on his phone.

"Why'd you leave?" Larry asked, sitting beside Tanner and peaking over to look at his phone.

"I dunno. Just didn't feel like sitting there." Tanner replied, turning his phone off and placing it down in his lap.

"Oh, alright." Larry replied, standing up from the bed.

"Well im gonna go eat. Love you." Larry said, walking towards the door.

"Bye Larry." Tanner replied. He was already back on his phone, mindlessly scrolling through twitter.

"He didn't say it back?" Larry thought, pausing before gently closing the door.

"He always says it back." Larry pondered as he dragged him self down the stairs and into the kitchen, grabbing a clementine and peeling it. He usually wasn't that hungry when he first woke up, so he decided to just stick to small things.

As he gently peeled back the skin, he started to think.

Did he do something wrong? Tanner was just fine when they went to the arcade, So why is he being so weird now?

He continued to peel the skin, throwing the last bit of it in the trash before pulling apart the clementine, popping a slice into his mouth.

He leaned back against the counter, giving him a clear view of the stairs, just in case Tanner was gonna join him.

He never did.


A few hours pass, and more people start to wake up, coming out their rooms one by one.

Yumi was the first to come downstairs. Larry and him talked for about an hour before he decided to go get something to eat from chipotle.

Then it was Nick. Nick decided to stay down with Larry and play smashbros with him.

Then it was Tanner.

However, Tanner didn't sit and talk. Just a simple "Hi" before grabbing a water bottle and quickly walking back up stairs, locking himself back in his room.

Larry started to worry even more. His boyfriend didn't even look at him. Why was he being so weird all the sudden?

"The hell was that about?" Nick asked, breaking the silence.

"I don't know. He's been like this all day." Larry responded, staring down at the controller he was holding.

"He's acting weird. Did you guys get into an argument or something?" Nick questioned Larry, patiently waiting for a response.

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