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Chapter two woohoo! This chapter is mostly just fluff so enjoy because there will definitely be some crazy shit in later chapters :p
Wordcount: 2508

Could we talk when you wake up dude?
Read at 9:15 am

Tanner 🫶🏼:
Yeah sure man. Do you want me to come in your room?
Read at 9:16 am

Yes please
Read at 9:16 am

Before long, Larry heard a soft tug at his doorknob. It was Tanner.

"Larry? Could I come in?" Tanner asked, his voice silvery and low. It sounded like he had just woke up.

Larry wiped away the tears that sat on his cheeks before gently turning his door knob, meeting face to face with the slightly taller brunette in-front of him.

"Hey I got your text and- hold on have you been crying?" Tanner asked as he gently closed Larrys door with his foot, gently cupping his cheek, wiping it with his thumb.

"No I-"

He was instantly cut off by tanner as he went in for a soft hug, his arms slithering around the ravenettes waist.

"I don't believe you. Are you gonna tell me whats wrong?" Tanner quickly replied, his voice as sweet as honey. He had sat Larry on the bed and put his hand around him, sending shudders down Larrys back.

"I- Uh.." Larry stuttered as he politely took Tanners Large hands off this shoulder, which caused him to shoot a slightly muddled look at Larry.

Was he really just gonna tell him? To his knowledge, Tanner was as straight as a wooden plank. There was no way he could just tell him the truth.

"Um.." Larry continued to trip on his words, which Tanner smiled at as he looked deep into Larry's dark eyes.

"Take your time." He said as he reassuringly flashed a toothy smile at him.

"I don't know...Ive just felt down lately. Like my stomach is constantly a pit. My thoughts are everywhere and I just cant stop thinking."

"About what?" Tanner asked as he scooted closer to Larry.

'You.' Larry thought as he scratched the back of his neck, looking deep into Tanners amber eyes.

"I don't even know." Larry lied, missing his chance to tell him about his feelings. "Fuck its...just so hard. Im thinking about everything and nothing at the same time." That part was true. Tanner was everything in this moment to Larry.

Tanner pulled him into a hug, playing with Larrys Hair as he gently ran through it with his fingers, Causing larry to turn a crimson red.

"Wanna do something to take your mind off of it?" Tanner asked, flashing a smile at the younger boy in front of him.

"Like what?"

"I don't know. Maybe ask the boys to go shopping or something?"

He said, still holding larry in a tight grip.

"Yeah alright."

Larry quickly responded, gently pulling away from the hug. Fuck. He missed his opportunity. He should have just told him. Whatever.

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