631 12 48

Word count: 5672

(Also I tried writing from Tanners POV sort of so lmk ☹️)

Thought I should put a TW for some things cause this might be a little triggering for some.

TW: puking, Panic attacks, General Anxiety Disorder, Crying.

The hot texas sun hit the right side of Tanners neck as a familiar warmth stirred beside him, eventually waking him from the deep sleep he had been encapsulated in.

Tanners eyes were blurred for a few seconds before finally focusing on the mess of dark hair that sat next to him on the pillow. It was Larry. And he was asleep. His lips were naturally parted, gentle snores releasing from his mouth.

Tanner let out a quiet and confused hum. Larry was usually the first one awake, so this surprised him to say the least.

He groggily stumbled out of the bed, almost tripping over a few loose items of clothing before finally reaching the bathroom.

As he twisted the knob, a soothing breath of air hitting his face. The hard tiles were cold against his feet as he walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind him.

He pulled at his shirt that he was wearing, revealing the pretty marks that Larry had left last night

"God damnit Larry." He whispered, letting out an exasperated sigh as he splashed water from the sink onto his face.

Today was the day.

The day he was going to tell his roommates that he and Larry had been dating for almost a month.

Tanner had suffered with General Anxiety Disorder since he was a kid, so this was going to be hard for him.

Just thinking about it made his fingers shake as he squeezed a glob of toothpaste onto his toothbrush. God, what if they don't except him?

"What if they think its weird? Or they don't think it'll work out? What if they hate me for not telling them?" Tanner questioned himself. He felt like he was gonna throw up.

"What if Larry breaks up with me after I come out? Then what?" Tanner spit out the toothpaste, a shakey breath falling from his mouth.

His vision was warped and disfigured, like he had just taken an edible. He couldn't run, or hide. He couldn't even move. Fear had a tight grip on his throat, and it was squeezing the daylights out of him.

A soft knock on the door scared him out of his spiral for a brief second.

"Tanner? Could I get in there? I need to shower." Larry asked, his voice still effervescent even if he was tired.

Oh god. If larry caught him like this it would be humiliating. He needed to calm down.

"Uh- yeah. Give me a sec." Tanner replied, his breaths shakey as he wiped the extra toothpaste off of his face and patted it with a towel.

"Okay. You can come in." Said the older, opening the door to be met with the droopy eyes of the shorter.

Larry gently pushed past him, setting his clothes down on the small counter.

"Im excited for today." Larry blurted out, breaking the awkward silence that filled the air as he switched on the shower, extending his hand under the running water to check the temperature.

Larry and Tanner had stayed up talking about how it was gonna happen. What they were gonna do.

It didn't worry Tanner back then, but as the time creeped closer, gently brushing his shoulder with its cold dead fingers, it left him in a state of despair. — one that he had to hide from Larry. He didn't want to let Larry down, so he had no choice in coming out.

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