757 8 16

Word count: 1594


Larry rubbed his eyes. His head was pounding as the strong arm that once wrapped around him tightly lazily drooped to the left side of his waist.

"Damn. My head." Larry muttered quietly as he carefully got up from the bean bag, stretching before he made his way to the dresser. He hadn't showered last night so he decided he was gonna shower this morning.

As the shower head hissed, Larry stripped from head to toe. The bathroom was cold, but the shower was warm, causing him to gasp a little from the sudden temperature change as the water hit his back, wetting his jet black hair as he pushed it out of his face.

He loved to think in the shower. It was peaceful, quiet, and soothing. But now, he had nothing to constantly worry about like he had for the last few weeks.

His head was empty. No thoughts went through his head as quiet music played in the bathroom. It was some random radio station, and he didn't know any of the songs, but he didn't exactly care.

A few minutes of nothing but washing pass by before he decides to hop out the shower, wrapping a towel around his waist and head before reaching for the clothes he grabbed off his dresser.


As he brushed his hair, he heard gentle creaking of the floor boards as the brunette walked over to the bathroom where Larry stood, a brush in one hand and his hair in the other, gently brushing the small knots out of his black hair.

"Hey." Tanner said, leaning on the door frame as he yawned.

"Sup." Larry replied, placing the brush on the counter and gently scrunching his damp hair with a towel.

"Why are you all dressed up for? Are you goin' somewhere?" Tanner asked, titling his head in confusion.

"Oh, I was just gonna get my hair trimmed." Larry replied, tying up his hair into a ponytail. It was getting too long for his liking.

"Really? Cause I like it long." Tanner said, tiredly chuckling as he walked over to larry, pushing a loose strand of hair out of his face.

"Its not like im chopping it off. Just getting it layered and shit." Larry said as he playfully swatted Tanners hand away from his face, trying to hide the fact that he was bright red.

Tanner gently shook hand, rubbing his eyes as he made his way to the door.

"Well im gonna go make some breakfast. I love you."

"Say it back dude." Larry thought, pausing to look at Tanner who was grabbing his phone from off the night stand.

"Alright. Bye." Larry replied, watching as Tanner walked out and made his way down the stairs.

"What the fuck was that? Are you serious?" He said, cringing at the way he reacted to what Tanner said. Tanner didn't seem bothered that Larry didn't say it back — but what if he was?

Larry picked up his phone to check the time. He was going to be late for his appointment if he didn't go immediately. God damn it.


After about an hour of cutting, washing, layering, and drying, he was finally done.

He looked at himself in the mirror — and he looked good. He felt good.

Its finally done
Read at 2:06 pm

Tanner 🫶🏼:
Lemme see plss 🙏🏻
Read at 2:19 pm

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