896 13 10

Word count: 1121

"You what?!" Nick said, almost dropping the two medium size lego boxes he held in his hand.

"I like tanner." Replied the smaller, keeping his head down and his voice low as he continued to sporadically shake the box.

Nick was dumbstruck, His mouth opened a little before he stopped himself, letting him gather his thoughts before opening his mouth again.

"Are you planning on tellin' him?"

Nick asked, momentarily turning his body away from the shelves and towards Larry.

"I would if I knew how." Larry nervously chuckled, placing the box down to look at the other variety of plastic bouquets they had.

"Well I'd suggest you tell him soon. Tanners really worried about you." Nick quickly whipped his head back towards the shelves, scanning the boxes with his fingers before picking up one and shaking it.

Larry simply nodded as him and Nick made their ways towards the counter. As always, Nick insisted on paying for Larry's flower bouquet. Larry didn't fight on it, placing it in the bag before they eventually left the store, making it back to Nicks car.


They were almost on their way home, and an awkward silence filled the car. Nick shot glances at Larry, who didn't seem to notice since he had his headphones on.

Larry's stomach twisted and turned, anxiety filling his body head to toe as baleful thoughts wiggled around in the back of his mind. The peaceful music wasn't helping much, considering his thoughts of Tanner just drowned it out.

Larry was snapped back into reality by Nick tapping at his shoulder, getting out of the car.

They weren't at the house however, and instead were in a vacant parking lot. At this point in time, it was dark out as the moon shined through the trees, a beautiful blue illuminating the trees as Nick gestured to Larry to sit onto the park bench with him.

As Larry sat down, he placed his headphones around his neck, gently pulling his knees to his chest as he looked into the trees, not wanting to focus on what was eating him up inside.

A gentle whisper of the wind filled the air along with the comforting silence of his friend, Nick, who sat directly beside him. His face was hard to read, but Larry could tell he was just trying to find the right words to say.

"So.." Nick finally blurted out, Causing Larry to turn his head towards him, his face crumpled as he listened to the distant sounds of crickets

"About your feelings with Tanner." Nick said, a calm look on his face as he did so.

Larry sighed, knowing he was going to have to open up more than he already did.

"You're planning on telling him right?" Nick leaned over a little to to get a clear view of Larry's face.

"I don't really know." Larry replied, his voice brittle as he placed his head in his hands.

"I think you should." Nick replied, Scooting closer to Larry and gently wrapping his arm around him.

"Theres no use. He's straight." Larry retorted, sniffling as he picked his head up and instead leaned it onto Nicks shoulder.

"And how do you know that?"

Those words made Larry pause, chewing down on his lip before he started up again.

"Dunno." Larry admitted, which caused nicks mouth to tug upwards.

"So then tell him your feelings." Nick said, peering into the forest as the wind brushed through the leaves, causing some to dance to the ground, gently brushing against the moss.

"Whats the rush for?" Larry replied jokingly through his sniffles, enjoying the breaths of the summery air that blew through his hair, causing pieces to fly into his face.

"Tanner thinks you hate him. He says you've been distant, like you didn't wanna talk to him or something." Uttered Nick, focusing his gaze on a singular leaf that dangled from its branch, threatening to fall.

That made larry feel even worse, a pit growing inside his stomach as he took his head off of nicks soft shoulder and shakily sighed, standing up and walking back to the car. He knew he had to tell Tanner. But how?


"I don't like you like that."

Those words echoed in his head as he sat spread out on his bed. He knew Tanner wouldn't just flat out say that, but he was so scared. As he picked up his phone to text Tanner, he heard a knock at his door.

"Could I come in? I heard you and Nick come home a few minutes ago and I wanted to talk to you."

Shit. It was fucking Tanner.

Larry wasn't ready, but his body gravitated towards the door, opening it to stare up at his friend.

'What the fuck?'

Tanners face was red and puffy. He looked like he was crying, but larry decided to let him in anyways.

"You okay Tanner?" Larry asked, pulling him gently into his room and shutting the door.

Without saying a word, Tanner sat on Larry's bed, Making it so Larry was the only one standing.

"Did I do something wrong?" Tanner asked. His voice was gloomy as a melancholic look rested on his face.

Larry tilted his head quizzically before sitting beside the weeping brunette.

"Why would you think that?" Larry replied, sitting close to Tanner before gently sliding away from him once he realized he was too close for comfort.

"You've been so distant from me. You always leave when I enter the room and cut our conversations short. You've been avoiding me!" He said. His voice was brittle and it was easy to tell that he upset.

"No I.." Larry desperately wanted to let his feelings out, but it was so hard to voice his opinion.

Tanners eyes were red and glossy as a tear ran down his cheek.

"Its not that I hate you." Larry said, cupping Tanners soft and tear stained cheek, wiping away the singular tears that rhythmically fell from Tanners eyes.

"It would be better if I wrote it I guess. I can't say it." Larry said as he stood up, walking over to his desk, grabbing a sticky note and a pen.

He felt like he was in middle school again. Writing down a confession onto a sticky note before folding it into a heart, handing it over to Tanner.

As Tanner read the lengthy confession, his eyes went from narrow to wide.

Tanner gently pushed the chair where Larry was sitting, grabbing the pen and writing something on the back before handing it back to him.

"I do too."



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