464 3 33

Word count: 2576

Blehhhh no TW its kind of just fluff so it doesn't really need it.


The smell of alcohol mixed with freshly washed sheets hit Larry's nose like a semi truck as he creeped gently towards the bed.

"Your stomach still hurt?" Larry laughed a wave of demean washing over him as he cringed at every single word that came out of his own mouth.

"Yeah. " Tanner replied, his voice conflicted.

Larry understood why he felt this way. Only thirty minutes ago they were arguing, and now Larry was treating him like nothing had happened.

Gentle music echoed from his Alexa. It was a playlist that he used to play when they would drive around in the middle of the night, going to random places to try new things.

Larry let out a deep sigh before Laying on the bed next to Tanner, facing towards the ceiling.

"Im sorry. I shouldn't have blew up on you like that." Larry blurted.

He waited for an answer, but he didn't get one.

Tanner kind of just stared at him like he had something on his face. Just a blank stare with no thoughts behind his large eyes.

"You good T?" Larry asked, the the awkward laugh prominent in his slightly booming voice.

"Yeah. Just really tired." Tanner croaked out, his voice quiet and tired as he fixed his eyes on the necklace on his nightstand.

Larry turned to the side to face Tanner, his hand between his face and the pillow.

Tanner stared back at him, his greenish gray eyes cutting into Larry like a kitchen knife.

Larry's face scrunched up when he smelt the alcohol on Tanner's breath.

The fruity but stale mix of soju and gamersupps flooded his nose, leaving him with a strange taste in his mouth.

"You smell like alcohol." Larry commented, a smile subconsciously creeping onto his face.

"Because I just drank like 2 sojus you idiot." Tanner slurred out, his words slow and somewhat drawn out.

Larry rolled his eyes and inched closer to Tanner. Not too close, but just close enough to where their knees were touching.

Silence passed over the two of them, making Larry feel even more uncomfortable and awkward than he already was.

"I- uh. Im sorry." Larry whispered out, tripping over his words like a child.

It was something about Tanner's gaze that made him feel anxious. Intense feelings rushed over him when his eyes met with Larry's. His sharp gaze made him melt like butter in 90 degree weather.

They'd been dating for a long time now, so how come every time Tanner even looks at him he fights the urge to giggle like a teenage girl? The scent of his cologne mixed with his somewhat messy bed hair made his heart stop. He was beautiful.

"I know you are." Tanner breathed, his voice still somewhat stale but gentle at the same time.

Larry blinked. What was he supposed to say to that? Was it rhetorical or was he supposed to apologize again?

Before he could spiral deeper into thought, a rough and calloused hand wrapped around him. It pulled him closer and tightened around him as the sunrise peaked through the three large windows that alined with Tanners bedroom, hitting Larry in the face with harsh light.

"Arent you sick?" Larry chortled, his face a scarlet red as his hands creeped up to gently cover them like a face mask.

"So what? Its not like we're kissing or anything." Tanner commented, humming to the song that played in the background.

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