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Word count:3160

(Sorry for the eye color change I just realized that tanner has sage green eyes 😭)

Larry woke up to the sun in his eyes as tried to roll over in bed, rolling straight into Tanner.

He had forgot he was in Tanners room, which would explain the bright sun in his eyes. Tanner doesn't have curtains.

Larry looked to the side, staring at the snoozing brunette beside him. Tanner's arms were still wrapped around him as he gently hugging his waist as their legs intertwined.

It was about 11:30, and he was ready to get out of bed.

"Tanner.." Larry sleepily said as he wiggled out of the tight grasp he was in before sitting up next to Tanner.

"Wake up." Larry whispered as he gently shook him.

Tanner groaned abit before he gently opened his eyes, looking up at Larry. Tanners hair was a little messy, but Larry still thought he was beautiful.

"Hi." Tanner croaked out, his voice was low and tired.

"Morning." Larry replied, running his hand through Tanners short brown curls, gently making his way out of bed as he stretched.

"What do you wanna do today?" Tanner asked as he sat up, Looking at Larry who had already made his way to the bathroom, brushing his teeth.

Larry spat out the mouth full of toothpaste before washing his mouth, pulling out a gray bottle of skin care.

"I don't know. Nick was asking if we wanted to go somewhere with him so I guess im just doing whatever he's doing." Larry said as he scrubbed his face, washing it them patting it dry.

"Didn't he say that he wanted to go to an arcade with all of us?" Tanner questioned as he walked over to the bathroom and grabbed his toothbrush as larry walked into his own room for a fresh change of clothes.

"Im pretty sure he did." Larry said, closing the door so that he could put on some new clothes.

"So its like a date?" Tanner jokingly replied, a mouthful of toothpaste as he tried not to gag, brushing his tongue.

"What?" Larry asked, his face turning lipstick red as he threw on the wife beater that he bought while with Tanner.

"Im just joking." Tanner laughed, spitting out the toothpaste and quickly changing before walking over to Larry's room, opening the door.

"Ready to go then? I just got a text saying that we're supposed to leave in 10 minutes." Larry asked Tanner, who was looking at him.

"The fuck? Why is he just looking at me?" Larry thought as he looked at Tanner with a perplexed look.

"You good T?" Larry asked as he sat on his bed, putting on both of his shoes.

"Yeah. Im good." Tanner replied, flashing a sweet smile at his lover before walking out the door.

"Ill be waiting downstairs Lar!" Tanner said as he walked down the stairs, meeting with the others who seemed to already be having a conversation.


As Larry walked downstairs, the attention turned to him.

"Finally dude!" Yumi yelled as he grabbed his wallet from the table.

"Ready to go Larry?" Tanner asked as he walked over to the door.

"Yup." Larry replied, walking outside and standing next to yumi and isaac.

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