20: Way Out

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20: Way Out

Tiger's POV

I awoke to a voice in my head, of course not just any voice.

'I see you made up with Kid then.'

In a way...

'Well that's good...'

Why did he sound sad?

What's wrong?

'Everything's peachy, I even found out a way to get you and Kid home!'

Ahh perky once more...

Good, how?

'Well there is a portal in the forest here... it's just...'

Just what?

'Well that's pretty much all I know!'

So we find this portal, what next?

'You have to think of your ship, keep the image of your ship in your mind and you should be transported back I guess.'

You guess?

'Ah ha...'

Can I ask a question?

'Of course chika!'

Why do you put on a fake Spanish accent? I didn't want to say anything in case you were just retarted but seriously.

'Does this sound better then?'

I suddenly shot out of bed at the alien voice. Like smooth milk chocolate it rung through my head even stronger than the fake accent. I clutched my head tightly. The vibrations seemed to somehow ring through my whole body making my legs melt into the mattress.

'And that's why I have an accentio! Ay!'

My head-ache folded over as the once again cheesy voice rung through my head.

So that's your real voice then?

'Sie signorita.'

I'm not even going to ask why your fake one hurts less because-

'Can no tella you!'

You're kind of heading into more of an Italian accent now...

'Really? I thought I should've practiced my Spanish! Anyway, your boyfriend is waking up. You better stop talking to yourself!'



Rodriquez left my mind like a receding tidal wave and I opened my eyes just as Kid sat up. "I know how to get back." "Good morning to you too, what happened to the worlds manners?"

Like you have any.

Kid stretched and looked over to me, flicking his black hair out of his eyes. "Your dye is starting to come out." I noticed and he lied back on the bed. "Thank god, so we can leave our past now?" "Yeah I guess so, we need to search for a contraption like the one on that island in the forest."
"Sounds like a plan... but first." He pulled my arm and flipped his body over mine in one quick motion. He sealed his lips over mine, kissing me with passion... how come I'm not enjoying it? "Get off, get up, we are going home."


'Rodriquez's' POV

"The Norns wish to see you freckles." Giant man addressed me before quickly stomping away. I took my eyes away from the giant pearl, she was not happy with him, the thoughts I put into her head weren't enough to make her love him... what do I do now?

I entered the lush forest, snow was lightly falling as I approached the great ash tree, not time to admire its beauty I turned to the beautiful Norns. Don't hit on them, they don't like it.

"Your duty is nearly up." Skuld said, her long white hair was being plated by her equally beautiful sister Urdar. "What? I thought my penance was to look after her for as long as she lives... am I not in debt anymore?" "We Norns gave you an easy job to do not purely because you are pretty freckles... can you guess why your duty is nearly up?" Verdandi said, her beautiful face staring straight at me. It hit me. "No..."


Tigers POV

"What's the matter with you?" Asked Kid as I checked out of the inn. "I'm fine, I just have a headache..."

As we walked out of the inn we saw commotion on the docks, a royal ship was docked at the harbor. "Let's go see what all the fuss is shall we?" we reached the back of the crowd and looked over the heads of others.

My heart dropped, I almost fell to the ground. My whole body was shaking and I couldn't move I muscle. Until Kid lurched forward, I grabbed his arm tightly. "This is what I meant about involving ourselves! Kid" You need to let history take place." He gave me a torn stare, he was repeating his nightmare and in his head this time he had a choice. Save or leave?
"Kid I know you think you have a choice but you don't... you just don't." I pulled him into a hug and lucky I did because as he was sobbing into my shoulder a little boy also named Kid ran past eyes teaming with tears.

My eye caught his but he simply kept running.

Not like Kid would know but ever since that day he ran.

Ran from his emotions, right now is the moment they're all beginning to fall out.

A/N I know exactly what is on all your minds. Who Is Rodriquez Exactly?

Capital letters and everything, well basically I've had this planned from the beginning so no spoils! Ok so the Norn's, you may have heard of the Fate's which are used in Greek mythology. Well this is like the Nordic version; Norn's are the three virgin goddesses of destiny, Urdar, Verdandi and Skuld, whom all sit by the well of fate at the base of the ash tree Yggdrasil, drink tea and spin the web of fate except not drink tea. I freaking love Vikings so I decided to use the Norn's and not the Fate's. So basically the Norn's decided if you go to Niflheim or Valhalla, but because this isn't really a Norse story I added place called Thourheim which is the afterlife for those who don't follow Odin. Then when you die Norn's decided where you go. If you follow Odin and you died in battle you go to Valhalla, if you follow Odin but died of illness or old age you go to Niflheim (a very dark cold place with lots of mist and old people I hear.) BUT! If you don't follow Odin or haven't even heard of him (like most people in OP Universe) then you just go to Thourheim (which I invented) which is a lovely place with butterflies and meadows and rivers.
Are you following or did that go in one ear and out the other? It's important so I hope you understand.

The Tiger ( One Piece - Eustass Kid )Where stories live. Discover now