Halloween Special

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  • Dedicated to to all those who waited for me in my time of absence :3

Non-Cannon Halloween Special (3rd Person POV)

A/N For any of you who don't live in Australia like myself we have a major hardware store chain called Bunning's and they always have sausage sizzles. I'd like to see the statistics of how much they spend on sausages per year. By the way I'm not just randomly telling you this it's in the chapter. OH ALSO! Broadmedows is a suburb a few suburbs away from where I live, its very... Shady, Ehem...

This was meant for Halloween but shit happened.

"Aaaroooo!" "Get off the table Kid! I know you're exicted..." Lyssondros scolded the council leader. ""He marked his territory on me earlier!" Nikoli complained but no one listened as usual.

"Someone take roll before we begin the meeting!" Kid shouted in annoyance. "I'll do it!" Tiger said happily. "Not a very good idea, Tiger you have no hands!" Nikoli tried grabbing her hands in example but they just passed through. "Then I'll just have to... Ghostwrite! Get it? Because I'm a ghost." Groans sounded around the table at another one of Tiger's crappy jokes. "Your jokes are veely veely bad Tiger... It's like you're driving a stake through my heart!" "Who isn't here?" Kid asked and Killer took out a clipboard and proceeded to call roll.

"Heat the Zombie check, me Killer the Mummy check, Crazy Dr. Lyssondros, Nikoli the Vampire, Tiger the Ghost, Jeff the Malevolent Master of Kittens... Wire the Witch isn't here yet." 'OF CATS! IT'S OF CATS!" Jeff screamed across the table in outrage. "Whatever, point is Wire is late..." Tiger mumbled but the rest of the council stopped listening ages ago.

"(Cackles) Sorry I'm late, I accidently drank my eye of newt potion, lets just say it kept me regular, very regular." Wire walked in sassily patting his stomach and everyone made noises of disgust. "Ewww...!"

"...And Wire the Witch, that's it." Killer ticked off his name and Kid stood up proud and hairy. "Now! Lets start our Scary Creatures Club meeting with an evil laugh, ready?" Everyone cackled and laughed evilly as lightning an thunder clapped.

"Good, next on the agenda; we need to discuss the matter of the letter the council has sent us, I'll read it to you." Kid got out a piece of paper and began to read. "Dear Scary Creatures, you are really nasty and evil." Everyone sounded pleased and Kid continued. "We don't like your disgusting council building running the look of our beautiful neighborhood, therefore you must doing the following or be... Evicted." Everyone gasped in surprise and horror.

"Cut the grass in the front yard, its three meters high, remove the grave stones from the garden, replace the roof as its falling down and attracting crows and bats, stop playing creepy music, register the growling wolves- the postman's been attacked several times, breeding of rats is forbidden- but you're doing it. Shape up or ship out! Yours sincerely Monkey D. Luffy."

Lyssondros stood up first in protest. "But someone has to save the rats! The humans keep killing them!" Wire then followed him with a swish of his hip and a crease of the brow. "Where will I park my broom if there isn't a giant hole in the roof?" "The wolves only attack the postman because he smells like bacon!" Kid said defending his spawn. 'Zos stinking humans!" Nikoli scoffed with an eye roll. "Maybe I should go visit the neighbors and scare them a little, what do you think Jeff?" Tiger said with an evil glint in her eyes. "Meowhahahaha!" Everyone began arguing excitedly until Heat stood up. "EVERYONE LISTEN!" Everybody froze in place and Heat continued. "We have to think of a plan, we just need to use our brains... Mmm... Brains..." Kid nodded and jumped up on the table once more. "Ly! Give us your report!" Lyssondros pointed his stick at a whiteboard covered in statistics that no one really understood. "We have two thousand dollars in the bank," "yay!" Tiger cheered and everyone glared at her. "Oh... Sorry..." "Continue Ly," Kid gestured. "We only have two thousand dollars, the repairs are estimated at ten thousand dollars."

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