5: The Reason Behind Everything

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Five: The Reason Behind Everything

Word count: 823 (bit short)

A/N Song of the chapter: Lim Kim, Without Knowing It All, its very beautiful I wrote this listening to it, its on the side.

Kid's POV

She remembered our promise...

I looked at the picture frame in my hand, showing the faces of two children covered in dirt and smiling brightly at each other.

My fist tightened and I restrained myself from throwing it against the wall.

It's amazing how one moment can change the course of your life completely.

~~Flash Back~~

"HANA! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I called to the girl who just stepped on the big ship.

"WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" I shouted louder thinking she couldn't hear me over the voices of stuck up rich people.

She turned around with tears glistening in her eyes, a silver ring was fastened around her neck and she being dragged by someone.

"HANA!!!!! I WILL FIND YOU!" She shook her head and turned around before being forced by the person dragging her.

"Sabaody!" She stopped suddenly and shouted and my eyes widened as the man dragging her hit her with a whip along her back causing her to fall to the ground and the man just continued to drag her along the floor.

"HANA!!" I fell to my knees dropping the metal walking heart with arms and legs I made for her last night to the ground.
What does Sabaody mean?
"Get up Kid, she's not coming back..." The dressmaker who ran the shop above the small room she lived in pulled my arm.

"SHUT UP! YOU DON'T EVEN CARE THAT THEY TOOK HER!" I became the most angry I was ever in my life, I pushed the frail man away and ran, ran until there was nowhere else to run.

That day the world enveloped me into its darkness.

~~End of flashback~~

She must've freed herself somehow, or she'd still be a slave, but I was obviously too late when I reached Sabaody Archipelago, I searched everywhere until I realized she wasn't there.

'We might pick up something interesting.'

I kicked the door open and Wire was walking past as I did.

"Master Kid, would you like something?" "Where is she?" I narrowed my eyes. "In the crows nest, captain."

I climbed up to the crows nest and she was sitting up there with a blanket around her shoulders and a solemn look.

"Kid..." She said without looking up at me. "How did you escape?" She opened her mouth and sighed.

"I was able to escape on the archipelago before they sold me and a man who knew how to take off those cursed rings took mine off and I headed to the New World, on my way eating the devil fruit, I came to Thumosta and the princess Shesha became my friend and her family took me in automatically, I owe them everything... So I learnt how to fight without Shesha knowing and became strong, I became strong so something like that would never happen again..." She never once looked up at me as she spoke.

"I came to the archipelago, I thought it might be a long shot but because you were a twelve year old girl, I assumed a noble brought you and there was a good chance you were still on the archipelago or maybe being re-sold... But I'm glad you escaped..." She looked up and her eyes were red.

"I'm sorry Kid..." A single tear dropped down her face, I followed it until it dropped to the floor.

"You shouldn't be sorry for something that wasn't in your power, just focus on what's in front of you not what's behind you."

She stood up and walked to stand directly in front of me, she's always been very tall so she was only maybe inch or two shorter than me.

"In front of me?" She whispered moving closer to me but I looked away and started to climb back down.

"Everyone's hungry," I said before reaching the bottom.


Tiger's POV

Everyone's hungry huh?

I know I hurt you Kid, that's why I'm sorry...

Those words remain unsaid as he left quickly.

Do you think maybe I'm the reason he is malicious and cruel? The Kid I remember was always happy, or did something else happen?

The day they took me away was as unexpected as an island sinking to the sea

"Do you think he hates me?" I asked the sunrise as if I expected an answer.

"You use to answer me...."


Now do you see why i asked you that question? Is it still no no clear? well i wont give the answer then, let it be a surprise.



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