16: Dont Worry

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Sixteen: Dont Worry

A/N I jut realised i've been spelling definitly as defiantly the whole freaking story, so i WILL go fix it, so sorry!! HAHAHAHA Those smart people wouldve thought i was stupid.


That made no sense


Yeah it did.

Tiger's POV

So... Landing on this island was a relatively bad idea, you know... Better decisions have been made...

Okay its pretty bad.

By that I mean really bad... Like really bad.

Well... That's if you consider being chased by giant man eating squirrels with venomous claws bad, no, no... Wait that's not all.

There's giant weird looking hybrid penguin/lobster thing, okay! It's like a red... Thing... With a penguin beak.

Well whatever, we are in danger, there are like thirty of them.

Yeah, thirty motherfucking venomous squirrels and lobster penguins, not cool guys, not cool.

"We need to split up in pairs or threes or whatever! I have a plan!" Kid shouted from the head of the company. I dodged a lobster-penguin claw picked up my pace to all the way to Kid. "Oh yeah? And what's that captain?" "Tiger is going to swap these beasts with each other and then we split! We'll have to sleep in the jungle hidden, then we'll meet at the ship when... We can!" Everyone shouted in agreement.

"Tama tama call swap!" I didn't even look back at the confused creatures, I just ran ahead in the direction of a secluded coast in the east.

"I'm coming with you!" I heard Kids voice.

Why would you want to come with me?

Shouldn't we create distance? Distance is easier than being close together. Cold stares are easier to handle than hugs and kisses.

But then again you were always very stubborn Eustass Kid.

"I'm heading towards that bay over there!" I shouted to Kid who was closing the stretch of sand between us.

He nodded and I ran faster feeling the hot sand between my gladiator boots, seeping between my toes and tickling me.

"Where's Jeff..." I muttered under my breath but didn't stop, I had to loose these beasts, I'm worried about Jeff but for now I have to put my faith in him.

The person I persuaded god to look after no matter what, look now... It worked, sacrifices were necessary but you are alive, you are well... And nothing's going to hurt you.

"I think we got away..." Kid pulled me behind a rock and slumped against it with a defeated sigh.

He looked over at me with an expression of raw emotions and blatant fear, as if the world was unraveling in a manifestation before his eyes.

"Why is it that whenever I look at you I want to cry? All I see is a fragile girl and I don't know why because you are strong." I felt like I was sinking into the shadows, backing into the cold rock we were concealed against. "I'm not strong, I am fragile and weak. Yes, I am." My eyes darted to and fro as I averted my head, but Kid grabbed my chin. "No you're strong as a tiger and beautiful as a flower, maybe I'm just seeing it all through glass... But I know we can do this, even if we kill each other in the end."

My name... I will call myself Tiger as tribute to the man who saved my life.

"Has anyone ever told you that you're the most confusing person ever?" I scoffed at Kid and he let go of my chin gently.

The Tiger ( One Piece - Eustass Kid )Where stories live. Discover now