Iron Sisters (2x06) part 2

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Clary and Izzy came out from the Portal which led them to the Citadel of the Iron Sisters. The Citadel could be seen from afar as it was situated on a hill, with nothing but vegetation around. It was secluded, and yet, beautiful.

Both Shadowhunters walked up the hill, and when they got closer to the Citadel, huge Shadowhunter swords that were used as a barrier, opened to let them go in.

"Wow, this is more amazing than I imagined." Izzy commented while looking at her surroundings. "I can't believe I'm actually going inside."

As soon as the barrier behind them closed itself, Iron Sisters deglamorized themselves and were now, around Clary and Izzy with their Swords pointing their way.

"Speak your names." Sister Magdalena ordered.

"Isabelle Lightwood."

"Clary Fairchild."

"Valentine's daughter." Sister Magdalena commented. "Your father killed the Silent Brothers. He's taken our most valuable weapon. You must leave immediately."

"Clary's done nothing wrong." Izzy rectified.

"Allow me." Sister Cleophas intervened. "What answers do you seek ?"

"Why did Valentine go to all that trouble to steal the Soul-Sword ?" Izzy asked.

The Iron Sisters stayed silent, refusing to give such answers to people they didn't trust. Especially since Clary was in the equation.

"Yes, Valentine is my father but that man killed my mother." Clary said once she noticed how reluctant the Iron Sisters were to answer. "He experimented on my brother. I want to stop him more than anyone. And if we have any chance at defeating him, we need your help."

The Iron Sisters looked silently at each other, communicating among themselves only with their eyes and body. When Sister Cleophas brought her Sword down, the others followed.

"Follow us." she told them.

Izzy and Clary were being escorted. Four Iron Sisters, Sister Cleophas and Sister Magdalena included, were walking in front of Izzy and Clary while four other Sisters were walking behind them.

"Sister Cleophas, how long have you been in the order ?" Izzy asked.

"Fourteen beautiful years." Sister Cleophas answered, smiling. "I never planned on following in my mother's footsteps. I was happy living in Idris with my sister Amatis, when my brother Lucias was scratched in a werewolf attack. I did what I had to do to restore our family honor."

Clary stopped in her tracks which made the cortege stop as well. "Do you mean Luke ?" she asked. "Are you Luke's sister ?"

Sister Cleophas turned around to look at Clary. "I am."

Clary and Izzy looked at each other, before Clary looked back at Sister Cleophas. "I guess you don't know you have a niece."

Sister Cleophas frowned in confusion and surprise. She hadn't seen her brother for years, so they never had the time to catch up on what was happening in their lives.

"I do ?"

"Her name is Leila." Clary informed her.

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