My Little Angel ( 1x12 ) part 1

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My head was so full right now. We had to get everything ready for Alec's wedding and find the warlock who was powerful enough to cast the spell that put Jocelyn into sleep.

While Jace, Clary and Alec were trying to find a way to wake Jocelyn up and to find Valentine, Izzy and I were busy with the wedding's decoration.

I was on a stepladder to decorate the entrance of the room where the wedding would be celebrated tomorrow, when I saw Luke walking towards me. He probably came to see Jocelyn.

"You're already decorating ? Isn't the wedding tomorrow ?" he asked me, as he stared at me, taking down the flowers that I had previously put in a big arc.

"It was just a test, to see what it'll look like." I said.

"You look excited."

"I am. I've never been to a wedding before."

This was true. My mom had friends, and when I thought about it, I didn't know if they were mundanes or part of the Shadow World. None of them got married while she was still...alive. And none of my adoptive parents' friends got married either when I was living with them, so since I spent the rest of my life in the hospital, I never attended a wedding.

"How was your wedding with Jocelyn ?" I asked as I stepped down from the ladder.

"We're not married." he chuckled.

I frowned my eyebrows. "You're not ?" I asked which he responded with a shook of his head. "I thought you were, though. So you never thought about getting married ?"

"I did."

When he answered, his voice got low and his smile faded away to let a frown crease his forehead.

"What happened ?" I asked, concerned.

"Can we talk somewhere ? Privately ?" he asked me.

"You don't need to tell me if you don't want to, you know ?"

"No, actually we need to talk." Luke insisted.

He sounded so serious that I was worried about what he would tell me. But, I accepted anyway.


In the meantime, Alec arrived at Magnus' place. Alec thought Magnus wanted to talk about how to stop Valentine or how to wake up Jocelyn, but when he walked in the living room, he saw Magnus holding a glass of wine, and with a snap of his fingers, a glass of wine appeared in Alec's hand.

"You know how I hate to drink alone." Magnus said as he saw Alec's confusion.

As he walked towards Alec to make a toast, Alec sighed and put his drink on the nearest table.

"I didn't come here to drink. Do you have any information..."

"On the warlock who cast the spell on Jocelyn ?" Magnus cut him off, tired of Alec's denial. " I'm looking into it. But, we never had a conversation after yesterday's trial. About your wedding."

"There's no conversation to be had. I'm a Shadowhunter and I'm getting married. This is about family, tradition and honor." Alec said.

"Honor ? Where's the honor in living a lie ?"

"What do you mean ?"

My Little Angel - Jace Herondale [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now