Because of you (2x02) part 1

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The Portal brought Jace and Valentine back on the boat. Jace didn't seem to care about where they ended, because as soon as he got back on his feet with a displeased look on his face, he faced Valentine.

"You set me up to kill that vampire." he accused Valentine.

"You killed her because it was the right thing to do. The world's a safer place without that thing wreaking havoc." Valentine answered as he stood up as well, with the arrow still stuck in his shoulder. "Would you rather turn her over to the Clave to stand trial ?"

"That is my job ! The Law is hard but it is the Law."

"Yet the Clave does nothing to enforce that. Downworlders multiply with a bite or a scratch while our numbers...dwindle year after year." Valentine said as he took out the arrow while grunting before he activated his healing rune. "If we don't do something, a den like that one is gonna be on every corner on every street in the world. This is the only way."

"You're wrong." Jace insisted.

"Like I was wrong about your mother ? I know you even better than you know yourself. You saved my life. You could've Portaled me anywhere, handed me over to the Clave in Idris, but did you ? No, because deep down inside, you know that I'm right." Valentine said while Jace glared at him. "You've earned my trust, son. I guess, now, is time for your reward."

Suddenly Valentine looked at me. At first, I thought they didn't know where they were, but Valentine quickly realized because his eyes didn't look for me. They immediately found mine, without hesitation.

"From now on..." Valentine started. Although he was looking at me, he was talking to me but also to Jace. "...your little friend here is free." he said.


While Jace and Valentine were back on the boat, Clary, Simon and Jocelyn were escorted to the Institute. For the Fairchilds, it was because they were forbidden to go outside the Institute, but for Simon, it was to be questioned again about what happened.

As soon as Jace was trackable, Aldertree and Lydia sent their men to look after him, but unfortunately all they could find was these three.

Clary was furious, not only because she lost the chance to bring Jace back, but most importantly because her own mother tried to kill him.

"Clary, please let me explain." Jocelyn said as she walked behind her daughter.

Clary didn't stop. She kept on walking, still sulking because of what happened. Simon was behind, following them while Aldertree went to talk to Lydia.

"Clary, stop !"

"What is wrong with you ?" Clary finally answered. "We almost had him back. I don't understand why you were trying to kill my brother."

"Because your brother is not who you think he is !" Jocelyn snapped. "There's still so much you don't know."

"And who's fault is that ?" Clary said. "Everyone says that Valentine is the monster but just tried to murder your own son."

Jocelyn sighed as she walked towards Clary. "I want you to know that I'm a victim here too. We all are. When I was pregnant with your brother, Valentine did an experiment on the baby. He injected Jonathan with demon blood."

My Little Angel - Jace Herondale [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now