Funeral (2x06) part 3

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Ever since coming back from the City of Bones, Jace had been put off duty by Aldertree, which was frustrating him more than anything. He was born to be on the field. He trained for this, and yet, Aldertree had no intention of trusting him.

Jace was now in charge of cleaning other Shadowhunter's weapons after mission. Seeing Jace go from being considered as one of the best Shadowhunters to one that was looked upon, made others play with this new situation.

He couldn't ignore the mocking gazes and comments that were thrown his way. He couldn't handle anymore.

After going in Aldertree's office uninvited, he threw the dirty cloth he used to clean his fellow's weapons with, on the paper Aldertree was writing on.

Aldertree scoffed. "I, at least, thought you'd last till the end of your shift."

"Why are you doing this to me ? I proved that I wasn't in league with Valentine, but you're still treating me like I was. And everyone else here is questioning my allegiance." Jace said.

"As they should." Aldertree answered before he retrieved his tablet to show Jace the images of his trial that had been recorded.

Aldertree pressed play when he had asked if Jace could pledge his unconditional loyalty to the Clave. After trying to resist to the Soul Sword's power, he had finally answered that he couldn't.

Based on this answer, Jace was supposed to be imprisoned in the City of Bones until he'd die. Valentine's attack actually saved him from this sentence.

"Turn it off." Jace groaned, and Aldertree obeyed. "What do you want from me ?"

Aldertree stood in front of Jace. "It's my job to make sure our Shadowhunters are protected. To do that, they must know the truth about you."

"You want me to leave. But you don't have the authority to kick me out, so you're making my life hell. And now you're trying to sabotage any shred of credibility I have left ?"

Aldertree smirked, as Jace finally understood his intentions. "If you choose to stay, I'll have no other choice but to show everyone who they're living with. Who they're fighting alongside."


Sister Cleophas waited outside of the changing room while Clary was drying herself up and putting on her own clothes.

"Sister Cleophas, I don't want to scare you, but I'm worried about Luke." Clary told her as they walked side by side. "Since my mother died, Luke has gone missing. He's not returning calls. He's not showing up to work. No one has seen or heard from him."

"Lucian always had a strong sense of loyalty. Almost to his detriment." Sister Cleophas sighed. "I have seen such behavior before. After learning that Emily King died, my sister and I didn't hear from him for two long years. And when we found him, I thought I was facing someone I didn't know anymore. He had changed. Any light that was left in his eyes disappeared. He lost a part of himself, and I am afraid it is happening again with the loss your mother."

"Two years..." Clary repeated, shaking her head from left to right. "She won't let it happen."

"She ? Who is that ?"

"Leila. She's going after him as we speak." Clary answered.

"Can you tell me more about her ? I never would have thought that Luke would have an offspring." Sister Cleophas admitted.

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