City of Bones ( 2x04 ) part 1

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The City of Bones was old and dark, only lit up by the few torches hung on the walls. It didn't change for a bit from the last time we came here.

The night we found out that Clary was actually Valentine's daughter.

It felt like it was ages ago. So much has happened since then. If the last time we came to the City of Bones we walked around freely, Jace and I were now being one of the numerous prisoners locked behind bars.

The quiet was often disturbed by screams coming from a different cell which, by the faint sound, seemed to be far away from ours. There was absolutely nothing in the cell, which made me wonder if even mundane's prisons were that uncomfortable. If it hadn't been for my advanced vision, I'd find it difficult to see in front of me because of how dark it was.

Jace and I had been brought to the City of Bones by Aldertree, who I learned took the Head of the Institute. It was clear to me that to him, we helped Valentine go against the Clave and create new Shadowhunters with the Cup. If only he had known what we've been through on that boat, he would've understood that we had nothing to deal with that. We were told that our trial would be held later. In the meantime, both Jace and I had to wait in our separate cells.

"You okay, there ?" I heard him ask me.

I was currently sitting on the floor, my back pressed against the wall that separated me from him.

"Strangely I haven't felt any better in quite a long time." I sighed.

Considering that all we had to do now was to wait for our trial, I found it better than waiting to go through the hell Valentine insisted on putting me through.

"You ?"

"I don't know." Jace answered. "Who was that guy you jumped out of the boat with ? You seemed to know him." he asked suddenly after a small silence.

Tobias. Although I still haven't been able to see him since that night we escaped, the fact that Luke told be that he had been brought to the hospital and that his parents were with him, reassured me. I remembered one of our conversations, where he told me that the first thing he'd do if he was able to escape, would be to see his parents. I was glad he had the chance to make that happen.

"He's a friend. Valentine had kept him captive way before us." I answered.

"A Shadowhunter ?" Jace asked.


"Did he make it ?"

I nodded, but then remembered that Jace couldn't see me. "The police found him and brought him to the hospital. He should be okay." I said.

I suddenly felt a presence come near us. Actually, they were two at least. I would've thought it was Aldertree, if I hadn't caught Clary's scent.

"Jace." I heard her voice call for him.

The tone of her voice screamed worry and pity. Since she came from the right, Jace's cell was the first one she encountered.

"Where did they put Leila ?" Clary asked.

"Right here." I answered. I let my hand be visible by reaching out to the exterior of my cell.

"You shouldn't have come here." Jace adressed Clary. "Take her out." he added, but this time, for the Silent Brother who led Clary to us.

"No." Clary immediately refused. "I'm not going anywhere, unless I know you guys are going to be okay."

A silent took place, but was quickly interrupted by the sound of me, standing up.

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