Truths revealed ( 1x11 ) part 3

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Izzy's trial has begun.

Magnus was standing in front of the Inquisitor and other Shadowhunters who were there to assist to the trial. After swearing to defend Izzy with integrity and honesty, Magnus began to explain his case.

"My case is simple. It is true that Isabelle Lightwood acted against the orders of the Clave by trying to free the Seelie, Meliorn. But she did not act against the interests of the Clave. Preventing the forced questioning and possible death of a Seelie may have saved the Accords." Magnus stated.

"We're not here to speculate what might have happened if the defendant hadn't interfered. I await a valid argument. Do you have one ?" the Inquisitor spoke from her chair.

"What you really want, is the Mortal Cup. My client doesn't have it. Since this whole proceeding isn't about what it's really about, I move to have this case dismissed."

The Inquisitor sighed. "You're out of order."

Magnus scoffed bitterly. "No. This whole thing is out of order. It's not Isabelle's fault. It's the Cup. Put the Cup on trial !"

And with that, Magnus went to his chair while Izzy stood up to sit on the chair beside the Inquisitor that was meant for the defendant.

It was now Lydia's turn, to explain her case.

"You have led us to believe that you alone carried out this operation. But Clary Fairchild was seen near the City of Bones that night." Lydia told Isabelle.

"Maybe she was out for a walk." Izzy casually answered.

"And do you expect us to believe that you distracted the guards and escaped with the prisoner on your own ?"

"Pretty slick, right ?"

Tired of Isabelle's lies, the Inquisitor leaned forward and spoke to her. "I suggest you think about how slick it would be when Valentine uses the Mortal Cup to raise an army of rogue Shadowhunters."

"I don't want Valentine to succeed. But I don't condone the thought of us, Shadowhunters, thinking that we have the right to treat a Downworlder's life as worthless."

Lydia stepped forward to talk to Isabelle. "Isabelle, I should warn you that everything you say here, will be considered in the verdict." she told her.

"Good. Then, consider this." Isabelle said loudly to reach everyone in the room. "Valentine didn't come out of nowhere. We use our angel blood to justify everything we do, just like him. Like him, we forget that we're not only angels. We're part mundane. We can be afraid. And fear makes us cruel. And we turn our fear to Downworlders just as Valentine did. It'll only end up in us, turning against each other."


After checking if going to Renwicks was safe, Luke, Clary and I realized that it wasn't. The place crawled out of demons that we weren't sure we could take out. But Clary had one thing that could prevent us from getting killed: The Cup.

It controlled demons, so with the power of the Cup she could control them with it. Valentine's plan might be to get Clary to use the Cup and then take it from her, but we were there to protect her and the Mortal Cup. So, without hesitation, we called Jace and Michael to tell them to join us.

We waited for them a couple of minutes, until we heard a door open. Circle members were coming out of the building, and were running towards us as they held their seraph blades.

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