Accusations ( 1x12 ) part 2

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While Magnus stayed to take care of his long lost friend's dead body, Jace brought Clary back to the Institute, but he stood on his guard. He kept looking around to see whowas the wrong piece of the equation.

There were only a few people who were aware of their mission, and yet, they managed to get attacked by a demon. The demon was sent by someone who knew where they were going, and it was their mission to figure out who it was. To know who was working with Valentine.

When they walked through the Institute's doors, both him and Clary met Izzy.

"We have a mole in the Institute." Jace stated.

"We were attacked by a Shax demon when we went to see Ragnor Fell." Clary told Izzy.

"The attack couldn't have been coincidence. Valentine must have been tracking us."

"You don't think someone from the Institute told Valentine where you were going, do you ?" Izzy asked them. "No one here would betray us like that. This is our family."

Jace scoffed when his eyes glared at Lydia who was talking with another Shadowhunter. Lydia knew where they were going, so she could be the one who was plotting behind their back.

"Not everyone's family yet." Jace said, which made Clary and Izzy look at the direction he was looking at. "I swear, if Lydia is the leak, I'm gonna..."

"Slow down. We don't know if she did anything yet. And wrongfully accusing someone of a crime is dangerous. Trust me, I've been through it." Izzy talked him through.

"Lydia was right there when we were talking about Ragnor Fell. If she's not gonna admit what she did, I'm gonna make her admit it." Jace said as he started to walk towards her.

Clary stepped in front of him and stopped him from going any farther. "Jace, stop. You are too worked up to talk to anyone right now. Especially not an important envoy from the Clave. Let me talk to Lydia. If you accuse Alec's fiancé of treason, you will ruin whatever relationship you have left with him."

"Clary's right, Jace. If Lydia did this, she might not be so defensive with Clary. She might let her guard down." Izzy said.

Jace clenched his jaw, as he was unhappy about their plan. But he had to stick with it because they were right. "Fine. But I wanna know everything she says."

Clary nodded before she walked away to execute her new mission.


It was hard to get down from this waves of emotions we've got swept into.

Luke Garroway was my father. The man my mother loved. The man she described to me when I was a kid. The man whose blood was running through my veins.

This whole time, we've been right in front of each other and yet, none of us knew the truth.

I asked Luke to describe the man he saw my mom with years ago, and I knew that it was Adrian. It couldn't be somebody else.

One of Luke's hand was holding mine while the other was holding the letter my mom had written to me. I gave it to him because he could understand her words more than I did, in the past. Everything made sense, now.

"Valentine did that. No one else could've done it." Luke said as his eyes trailed on the letter in his hand. And then, he looked up at me. "When Valentine attacked the Clave and finally got his hands on the Mortal Cup, Jocelyn, Emily and I tried to stop him. But, before Valentine got the chance to kill me, he pulled out a sample of my blood. At first, I thought it was for himself, but the letter says otherwise. Valentine attacked your mother."

My Little Angel - Jace Herondale [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now