Maryse Lightwood ( 1x05 ) part 1

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After Leila left Clary's bedroom, Clary sighed. She didn't know what to believe. There was a part of her that wanted to believe Leila when she said that there was nothing between her and Jace, but the other part couldn't ignore how they acted around each other.

Clary shook her head and moved in front of her mirror. She looked at her reflection before she looked down at the necklace around her neck. It was the last thing her mother had given her at their loft, before Dot sent her to the police station to find Luke. She grabbed the necklace, and suddenly she gasped as she had a vision of her mother and Valentine who was caressing her mother's hair.

"Nice to see you Clary. You want your mother ? Give me the Cup !" Valentine told her and then, she was brought back to reality.

Clary immediately took off the necklace and ran out of her bedroom to find Jace. This was too odd for her to think of anything. She didn't understand what just happened.

"Jace !" she said as she reached his bedroom.

Luckily for her, he hadn't gone to sleep yet. When Jace saw Clary's face, he became worried and walked towards her.

"Hey, what's wrong ?"

Clary showed him the necklace, that he had seen before around her neck. "Valentine. I saw him and my mother when I grabbed it."

"And he spoke to you ?" Jace asked as he took the necklace to get a closer look at it.

Clary nodded. "He said my name. And he clearly said: Your mother for the Cup."

"Who said that ?" they suddenly heard Alec ask behind them.

They turned around and they found Alec by the door.

"Valentine." Both Clary and Jace answered. "He's with my mother." Clary continued.

"And he can speak to you through that necklace ? Here, in the Institute ?" Alec asked as he walked up to them.

Jace's eyes focused on the necklace before he spoke. "It's a portal shard. That's why your mother made sure you had it."

"I only know what I saw. My mother's alive. She's unconscious, but alive." Clary stated, hopeful.

"Where are they ?" Alec asked her, as she was the only one who could answer to that.

But unfortunately, Clary didn't know. She only focused on the fact that Valentine had her mother and that she was still alive. She didn't bother to look at what surrounded them and see where they could be.

"Emotions are nothing but a distraction. You're ruled by them. We're taught to control them. It is my job to protect the Institute. If Valentine can see in, that's a door I have to shut." Alec told Clary before he looked at Jace. "Now, let me take a look at that thing." he said as he held out his hand so Jace could give him the necklace.

Jace hesitated, but he finally gave  it to Alec. Alec only looked at it for a second before he started walking out of the bedroom.

"Now, it's in the proper hands." he said.

"Hey ! Alec where are you going ?" Clary asked him as she and Jace followed him.

"To put this somewhere safe, where no one could be tempted to use it."

My Little Angel - Jace Herondale [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now