Angel (2x07) part 3

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Luke was hell-bent on his decision of sending Cleophas to the Clave. All he needed now, was for a few members of his pack to be ready so they could escort Cleophas with him.

Luke was soon joined by Alaric. "Pretty cold-blooded, turning your own sister over to the Clave."

Luke rolled his eyes and looked down at Alaric. "Remember that the next time the pack tries to question my authority." he answered, as he referred to the lack of support from his pack after Jocelyn's death. "Get ready. We leave in five."

Alaric nodded and walked outside, followed by the few who were going to escort Cleophas with him, while Luke joined Clary and his long lost sister.

When Luke approached them, Clary had already put her phone back into her pocket, after sending a text to Leila. Her arms were crossed over her chest while she glared at Luke, as she didn't agree with his decision to not use Cleophas to get closer to Valentine.

Luke couldn't not notice Clary's disapproval look. "Kiddo, it'll be okay." he told her, in a failed attempt at reassuring her, before his face expressions hardened once he stood in front of Cleophas.

"You believe in what you're doing. And so do I." Clary said before she unexpectedly, grabbed the taser Luke had put in his belt and shocked him with it. "Let's go !" she shouted to Cleophas, running to the back door while leaving Luke groaning in pain helplessly, on the ground.


When I arrived at the Jade Wolf, the doors were already opened and the restaurant seemed agitated. Some of Luke's pack members were there, around him. He leaned himself on one the tables of the restaurant, shaking his head.

"Luke ?" I called him.

As I called his name, he looked up at me with pure confusion in his eyes.

"What happened ?" I asked.

"What are you doing here ?" he asked me, back.

"Clary sent me a text."

I pulled out my phone and showed it to him : I need you to take care of Luke, for me. I'm sorry.

Upon seeing it, Luke shook his head again and sighed. "How am I supposed to take care of a stubborn kid ?" he murmured to himself.

"Just so we're clear, you're not talking about me right ?" I asked, wanting to erase the 1% of doubt that stirred up in my mind.

Luke smiled slightly and put his hand on my shoulder. "Of course not. It's Clary." he told me before he looked at his pack and dismissed them.

"Clary said she would work with you to find Cleophas ? Did you guys find her ? Where did Clary go ?" I asked.

A part of me wanted to finally meet Cleophas, but the other was scared of doing so. First of all, I didn't know anything about Luke's relationship with the rest of his family, and second, just because Luke accepted me as I was, didn't mean that all of them would as well.

"Cleophas was also apart of the Clave." Luke told me. "Clary and I figured out that she is still working for Valentine at the moment. I don't know exactly why, but she wants to lead Clary to Valentine which is what's probably going to happen if we don't find them in time."

"Do you think we can track them ?" I asked him, as it was our only chance to find out where they were, at the moment.

None of us had a belonging of Clary or Cleophas to allow me to locate them with a rune, so all we could rely on at the moment, was our keen sense of smell.

"I have their scents. If we move before the storm comes, we'll be able to find them." Luke said.

My Little Angel - Jace Herondale [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now