Emily ( 1x06 ) part 1

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Clary and Leila erupted in Magnus' lair, with Luke's weight on their shoulders. The new Alpha couldn't walk, and was almost unconscious because of his injuries. Leila didn't know who he was exactly, but she knew what he was. A werewolf. But even if he wasn't, helping him was still the right thing to do.

Magnus accepted to open his doors for them, and led them to his living room.

"What happened ?" he asked the two girls.

"He was attacked !" Leila groaned since she felt like she was the only one carrying him. She was strong, but it didn't mean that she could carry an Alpha on her own.

"He needs a warlock. He needs you." Clary told Magnus as they put Luke on the first couch they came across.

Magnus had put a cloth on the couch so Luke's blood didn't stain it. As soon as Luke's head fell on the armrest, he started mumbling words. His eyes looked everywhere in panic, until a wave of pain hit him and made him close his eyes as he grunted.

"Where are you ? I can't find you." he uttered.

Clary tried to calm Luke down, but he was hallucinating. He turned his head everywhere, while his eyes were still tightly shut, as if he was looking for something...or someone.

When Luke opened his eyes, he wasn't in Magnus' loft anymore, but in a maze of bushes that led to a garden.

"Jocelyn ! Where are you !?" he cried as he looked around him.

He walked further in the maze, trying to find Jocelyn but all he came across to was bushes and more bushes. Luke found himself in front of two paths. One on his left and another on his right. He didn't know which one would lead him to Jocelyn, so he randomly chose the right one.

"Jocelyn !" he yelled while he ran to get to her faster. "Where are you !? Jocelyn !"

" I'm afraid my name's not Jocelyn."

Luke stopped running when he found a woman standing in front of him. Her back was facing him, and all he could admire was her dark brown hair that fell on her back.

"It's been a long time, Luke." the female said as she turned around.

Luke's frowned increased, as his confusion grew bigger. He didn't expect to see her ever again.

Emily King.

She looked exactly the same as the last time they saw each other. The last time she was seen alive in the Shadow World before she hid among the mundanes. Her eyes were still as brown as he remembered and her wavy brown hair fell on her shoulders perfectly. Even the Circle rune was still on her neck. This felt so real, but Luke knew it wasn't because he knew one thing. She was dead.

"Why am I seeing you ?" he asked, lost.

"I should be asking you that question." Emily answered as she slowly walked towards him.

Luke couldn't move. With each step she took, his heart seemed to beat faster. Emily stood in front of him, and had to look up to stare at his eyes. Luke looked down at her, and at the small distance between them. He suddenly started thinking that, if he could see her while she was dead, then maybe he was dead too.

"This isn't your time Luke. You have so much more to live." Emily continued.

"What do I do ?" Luke asked.

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