Ch. 2 Zingchow vs Aether

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Aether crept through the cave. The air was heavy, but there was no wind.

Paimon whimpered. "Paimon doesn't like this place."

"Me neither, Paimon. Me neither."

He peeked around the corner. There was no one there, but something caught his eyes.

A cage. It was made of metal and was clearly very old. It was brown with dust and rust.

Aether walked over to the cage, knelt, and put a hand on it. 'This must be the cage Xiao was forced to stay in. No wonder he hated it.'

"Traveler?" Paimon floated over to him. "Are you okay?"

He stood up and gave her a smile. "I'm fine, Paimon. Don't worry about me." He took a deep breath. "Let's keep moving."


"Ah! What was that!" Paimon hid behind Aether.

Aether summoned his sword, only to sigh. "It's just the shadows, Paimon."

"Hmm. Are you sure. Paimon's sure she saw something more."

He put his sword away. "Don't worry, Paimon. It might just be a lizard or rat."

"Paimon's still not sure, but she believes you. Let's keep moving."


They explored deeper into the cave. Aether wrinkled his nose. 'Am I smelling what I think I am?'

Paimon sniffed the air before covering her nose. "Yuck! What is that smell?"

Aether looked down a torch light hall. "It's down that way. Come on."

"We're going towards the smell!?"

"Come on." He turned to look at her. "I want to confirm."

"Confirm what?" Paimon kept her nose covered.

They enter a circular room with a massive pit in the middle.

Aether looked into the hole, though he quickly looked away.

Paimon looked in. She gasped and hid behind Aether. "Are. Are those what Paimon thinks they are?"

"It's a mass grave."

Inside the hole was a pile of dead bodies. Most looked like they had been frozen or starved to death.

"Let's leave this room."

"Yes! Please!" Paimon flow out of the room.

Aether followed her. He wiped a tear from the corner of his eye behind her back.

The pile of bodies brought back memories. Memories of their first home being destroyed. The screams. His father sent them away.

He shook his head. 'Focus, Aether. Now's not the time.'

They continued to move through the cave. The walls were painted in blood. It wasn't splattered. It was deliberate markings.

Paimon shivered. "What is with that?"

"I don't know."

The walls rumbled.

Paimon let out a shriek. "Ah! What was that!"

Aether summoned his sword. 'Is it the god? Or is it something else?'

A cold laughter rang out. "I knew you were come. Hero of Liyue."

Rocks shot out from the shadows.

Aether jumped to the side, narrowly dodging it. 'Geo powers. Is this Zingchow?'

Paimon hid behind Aether. "Ah! Who are you?"

"Your end!" The god walked out of the shadows. He was dressed in black and red robes. He had no shoes. In his hands was a massive hammer, much like the Electro fatui elite.

Aether snarled. "Your Zingchow. The god of Avalanches."

He grinned, showing off his crack and crooked teeth. "So, you know me. You must also know Morax then."

Aether narrowed his eyes. 'What would be his weak point. Think, Aether. How did Zhongli defeat him?'

Paimon put her hands on her hip. "Of course we know him."

Zingchow howled in laughter. "If that's the case, then you probably also know Alatus! Where is he now? I know he's still alive."

The blonde traveler gave a quiet gasp. 'He's going to try and enslave him again. I can't let that happen.' "And? So, what if we do?"

The god lifted his hammer. "You are a fool. Alatus is meant to serve me!" He swong his hammer.

Aether jumped to the side. "Paimon, stay back."

"Not a problem!" The floating guide flew up to the ceiling. "Be careful!"

He took a deep breath. 'Zhongli punched him through the chest. There's no way I have that strength. What about his neck?' He jumped away and slashed the god's leg.

Blood flowed from the wound for a few seconds, but it closed quickly.

'Looks like me slitting his throat is unlikely to work. He heals too fast.'

Aether glanced at the ceiling. Dust was falling from the ceiling. 'If I can drop one of the stalactites on him, then I've got a chance to cut his head off.'

Zingchow laughed as he raised his hammer. "How long do you plan of scurrying around? You know you can't win that way."

Aether smirked. 'Shows what you know.'

The smirk angered the god. He slammed his hammer down on Aether.

The latter grabbed the hammer and held it up, stopping it dead.

Aether pushed against the sheer strength of the god. 'Come on!' He shoved the hammer away.

This made the god stumble, and he fell back.

Taking his chance, Aether summoned his blade and sliced off the god's right hand, followed shortly by the left.

Zingchow roared in pain and anger. As Aether was moving to slice off his head, the god grew his hand back and slammed it into Aether.

The traveler went flying to the side and slammed into the wall.

He felt something snap in his chest, likely a rib or two. "Gah!" 'Not good. But I can't call him. What if Zingchow enslaves him again!?'

"Traveler!" Paimon zipped down and shook him. "Get up! Get up!"

Aether struggled his his knee, breathing hard. "I'm fine, Paimon. Don't worry about me."

Zingchow stoked over to him. "I'm must stay. You've got some moves."

Aether snarled and let electricity crack around him. "I won't let you enslave him again."

He laughed. "And what do you think you can do to stop me? Look at you. You can't even stand." He grabbed Aether by the neck and lifted him up.

Paimon tugged at the god's arm. "Let him go!"

Zingchow scoffed. He smacked Paimon away.

She slammed into a wall and fell to the ground.

'Paimon!' Aether clawed at the arm, his sword having fallen to the ground. 'No. No. No! Think, Aether! What do you do!'

Zingchow racked his sharp nails down Aether's side, causing deep cuts.

His vision started going black. With his strength, he did the only thing he could. "Xiao..."

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