Ch. 2 Finding the Beast

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Aether rubbed his eyes. 'Here it comes.' He was getting a massive headache after his continued use of Elemental Sight. This was the biggest downside. He was worried that if he kept at this, he might go blind for a bit.

But, he was where he needed to be. He had been following the traces of Abyssal power from the dragon to a mountain entrance. This was where it went.

He traced his hand around the seal. "Hmm."

Paimon looked over his shoulder. "Have you found anything?"

"Got it." Aether stood up. "To break the seal, we need Ateptie power."

"But we're in Fontaine?" Paimon put her hands up. "Why would it be Yaksha power?"

"So that if anyone found it, it would be even less likely they could get in." Aether adjusted his glove. "But they were too short sited."

"Because we can just call Xaio!" Paimon clapped her hands. "Ohh! They really underestimated us!"

The blonde smirked and closed his eyes. "Xiao."

"What's going on?" Aether looked behind him to see Xiao with his arms crossed.

He pointed to seal. "The Abyss Order created a dragon, and it's sealed behind me. To break the seal, it needs Yaksha power."

Xiao's eyes darkened. He did not like the Abyss Order. "I get it. Stand back."

Aether walked away and watched as Xiao pressed his handed into the seal. He flowed power into it, causing a large amount of light. Aether had to cover his eyes. After a few minutes, the light faded.

Paimon clapped. "Great work, Xiao!"

The Yaksha looked at Aether. "I'm coming with you."

"Fine by me." Aether shrugged. "I'd probably need to call you either way."

"At least you know when you need to call." Xiao turned. "Let's go."


In the city, a light erupted from the side of the tallest mountain. People in the city stared at the light as it turned night into days for a few minutes.

Clorinde looked at Neuvillette and Focalors. "What. Was. That?"

The chief justice touched his chin. "I'd wager a guess that it has to do with the dragon. Aether said that he believes it connected with the Abyss Order."

Focalor looked at the light. "That can't be good. They destroyed the Opera House with that dragon. I'm not having them damage anymore of my city."

Clorinde summoned her sword. "I will go investigate."

"Yes." Neuvillette nodded. "Find what caused it. The people will want to know."

She bowed. "I will leave immediately." She turned and left the room.

Neuvillette looked at the light, which was now fading. 'Aether, do you have something to do with this?'


Aether looked around the corner. He ducked back around. "Three mages, and a dozen or so Hilichurls. Which do you want?"

"I'll take the Mages." Xiao readied his spear.

"Alright." Aether summoned his own weapon. "Let's do this."

Two minutes later, all the monsters were gone.

Aether looked at Xiao. "Is it just me, or are the fewer monsters here?"

The Yaksha nodded. "It's not just you. It's too quiet."

Paimon floated over to the door. She cracked it open and quickly closed it. "That's because they're in there."

The two others walked over and peaked inside.

Inside was a chamber was hundreds on Hilichurls, dozens of Abyss Mages, and even a few Abyss Haralds.

Aether bit his lip. "Not good." He touched his chin. "I can take care of the Hilichurls with Wind Vortex. Xiao, I know you can speed blitz the mages, but what about the Haralds? They're the problem."

Xiao looked in. "There's only three. I can take two after the mages. Can you handle the last one?"

The blonde nodded. "Yeah."

The Yaksha and the traveler stood on either side of the door.

Aether looked at Xiao. "Three. Two. One!"


Clorinde looked at the entrance. It was clear there was a seal on the entrance, but it had been broken forcibly. She didn't recognize the energy, but it was clearly powerful.

She walked in. And saw carnage. Hilichurls, Abyss Mages, and something even she didn't recognize were strung around the floor. There were both marks from a sword and a spear.

"So, two people were here before me." She muttered. "But who?"

She continued to walk through the halls. It was clear that whoever was here wasn't having much trouble.

Suddenly, there came the screaming of Hilichurls. There was also the roar of wind that made it clear whoever was here had an anemo vision. That narrowed the list down.

Clorinde summoned her sword. 'I need to stay on guard. Whoever this is, they were powerful.

She heard the panicked noise of Abyss Mages being killed. 'So they don't have any trouble with the Abyss Mages. I need to move.' She started running.

Soon, she made it to a wide open door. She walked over and looked into the room, which was lowered.

Inside, she saw carnage. There were two people. Well, technically, three. She saw Aether using Electro while fighting something. It was clearly strong, but she didn't recognize it. Paimon was flying around, getting in the creature's eyes, generally being annoying.

The other person, she didn't know. He had dark teal hair, so dark that it was almost black. He was wearing a mask and had what looked like black mist coming off him as he fought.

'Who is he?' She was about to join the fight, but everyone was dead.

Aether put his blade away. "Okay. That was a lot. Are you good?"

"I'm fine." The man said. He waved his hand over the mask, and it dissolved. "But stay on your guard. We don't know what they're planning."

Aether suddenly froze. "Someone's here."

The man readied his spear. "Human?"

The blonde nodded. He looked at the door, which only opened a crack. "We knew you're there. Show yourself!"

Clorinde smiled. She opened the door. "You've got good intuition."

Aether sighed. "I suppose that mean the light got the attention of chief justice Neuvillette."

The man looked at Aether. "You know her?"

He nodded as Clorinde walked down and joined them. "This is Clorinde, a chapainion duelist in Fontaine. Clorinde, this is Xiao, a friend of mine from Liyue."

Clorinde looked up and down. "You're not human, are you?"

Xiao shook his head. "No. I'm a Yaksha."

"How did you get here so fast?"

"The traveler and I have a contract. If he calls my name, I'll come to help."

"Ah." Clorinde nodded. "I understand." She looked at Aether and Paimon. "What are you doing here anyway?"

Paimon put her hands on her hips. "We're going to kill that dragon. Aether used Elemental Sight to find this place."

The duelist crossed her arms. "I see. Mind if I join?"

"Such!" Paimon smiled. "We could always use help when dealing with the Abyss Order."

Xiao and Aether shared a look, but they seemed to come to an agreement.

Aether looked at Clorinde. "Let's move."

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