Chapter 1- The little things

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August 8, 7:32 am

It's funny. I remember how I liked school as a kid, I'm sure many did, back then it was so fun. It's not the same anymore, I don't even know why I think It's funny, I'm starting junior year today.

I'm not sure if I'd say I'm proud of myself for coming so far in life, it's not like I won an Olympics award. Although my parents may act like it's a big deal, I just don't see it.

People always seem to think I look like I love school. But I don't, in fact I don't have any sort of interest in it.

It's crazy how I rant about school and doing things all the time, but in the end I never seem to regret it, which scares me, it always makes me wonder what could fall in front of me and without a doubt I know I'll accept anything that I think I'll like if I get the chance to, and I'll never know if it was good or bad.

I'm reminded once again by zander to get out of my bed and get ready for school, I'm surprised he cares, I'm normally the one dragging him out of bed last minute but seems like the tables have turned this year.

Zander swings my door open and runs into my room.

"I've been calling your name for an hour now Hailey! Get your ass out the house"

Ugh. There's just no way he woke up this early for school, he normally doesn't give a crap about school.

"Luke just texted me hailey, we're gonna be late!"

"Luke?" Oh, of course. No wonder he's gone mad, it's about Luke. Zander confessed to being in love with luke to me a while ago, even though I always tell Zander to tell luke, he never seems to say anything. It's clearer than glass that they both have feelings for eachother.

"Hailey, come on I don't wanna be late."

"Fine." Zanders sour expression goes to one that I'll consider sweet.

I forcefully push myself off bed and put on something decent unlike Zander, who wears a suit to school when it's 100 degrees outside. Thankfully he's not wearing that, if he did I'm pretty sure our mom would make him change since it seems like she doesn't want to deal with her kids passing out at school

He's wearing kakhis, but, it isn't the worst thing he's worn compared to the other clothes he has.

I run downstairs with my backpack and I already see Zander and luke talking, I just slightly smile because if I do anything more Zander will surely murder me.

"Hi luke" I try to sound like I didn't get pulled out of bed.

"Oh hey hailey, you excited for the first day?"

I just smile and nod. It's crazy how he's always in a good mood, I could never

August 8, 8:45am

I'm sitting at my new desk in my new class. I don't even know if I'll have any friends in this class. I know a few people, like daisy and Sadie, although we aren't close.

I don't have anything to do so I excuse myself to the bathroom.

That's a lie.

It's like I said, I try my best to stay out of class, I normally just Rome the halls. I would potentially say I'm a good student, I get good grades, and I've never really gotten in much trouble.

I just finish my work quickly and skip anything else extra that my teacher may want me to do.

My teacher says yes and I walk out for my class, thank God I'm out of there. Things have been crazy for the past few months and this just made it worse.

I'm trying to steer clear of trouble so I walk into the bathroom and go out walking around for a while and thinking to myself. If anyone asks I'll just act like I'm new, it's not like that many people know me.

"Hailey, what are you doing?"

I whip my head around. Wow, what a surprise. I didn't think people knew me, I guess I really am known by a good amount of people, nevermind shut up Hailey.

"Um I'm just walking around" I know this guy, Jake, he's pretty popular, although I wouldn't say we're friends. We went to the same middle school, and he's been in the same class as me for a while now.

He raises one of his eyebrows and mirrors my expression, folding my arms and looking at me weirdly.


"Nothing it's just, I didn't expect you to be that kind of person"

"What kind of person?"

"I don't know Hailey, you tell me, skipping class, getting bad grades"

I'm lost. I can't tell if he's messing with me or being serious, this school year has basically started, and today is the first day, plus my grades last year were much more better than his. He needed to change his tutor 3 times cause of so many inconveniences, especially the time he hooked up with one of them, I always seem to get a strange feeling of jealousy everytime I think of that. I still remember him telling me that and how shocked I was.

"Are you gonna say anything?" He's looking straight at me, I'm a little startled, sudden eye contacts are what have me stuck in my spot.

I quickly look away in embarrassment of not answering his question


"Wait, are you skipping class?" He puts his hand on my shoulder and I cant tell if he's just being a friend or doing it to play with me. I slide his hand off my shoulder, I can't deal with him, especially not right now.

"What no!" Well, it was kind of a lie, almost. We got free period right now, since it's the first day. I'm pretty sure he's in my class, he would know, I saw him talking to Zander earlier. I couldn't tell what they were talking about but Zander didn't seem like he cared, he gave Jake his 'go away and annoy someone who deserves it like drew' look.

"Well, alright see you later princess" he winks at me and walks away. I can already tell how red my face is. The name drives me insane sometimes

I'm suddenly reminded of when we first met, I smile, what memorable moments.

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