Chapter 12 - you've got be kidding me...

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September 29th, 9:48am

"...worse" you've got to be kidding me.

"Hailey open the window" his voice is faint and I can barely hear it through the glass, but I was able to make out what he was saying.

I roll my eyes and walk over, well isn't this a fortunate turn if events. I open the window and stare at him, as he looks at me weird.


"Well that's unlikely of you to skip school" he says.

What is with him always assuming I'm skipping school, I'm really not that bad of a student.

"Jake, I'm not skipping school" 

He's in my room now, and I'm a bit annoyed. He looks like he just woke up because his voice is calm and raspy, and why is that hot...

"Well... just a thought" he stops to look at me. "Are you okay, your face looks kinda red"

Guessed huh.

"Yeah I'm kinda sick."

He looks at me menacingly, ugh, he's gonna say something stupid.

"Oh poor you then." He says jokingly.

I scoff and give an offended look.

He hugs me and runs through my hair.

"Just kidding princess"

I laugh a bit but instantly regret it

"See, I knew you thought I was funny"

"No I just laughed cause-" I get lost in my words, I hate when he's right about something.

"Oh yeah, mind if I your shower here?" 


"Oh okay so you don't mind, great, thanks"

Wait no, ugh, this always happens, I keep mixing up questions of when people ask me to use something, I forgot he said mind. Looks like he said it on purpose because he's already on way to the shower.


I decided since I'm feeling sick I might as well do something, so I decide to make cookies, since that's the first thing I thought of.

I head into the pantry to find sugar but couldn't find it in there, I decide to look somewhere else in the kitchen. Right when I do I swear I felt the presence of someone.

I turn around and once I do, I swear...

Jake's on his phone, and he looks... no.

I know I have a thing for wet hair but, no, just no Hailey stop. I can't keep restraining myself from staring like this.

He looks up at me and we make eye-contact, I instantly look away, my stomachs starts to feel weird.

"Wait where'd you get the clothes from?" Idk if that makes sense, he's not even wearing a shirt. my sanity is slipping away by the minute.

"I left it here from last time" he smirks, I know what he's thinking.

"You can shut up you know"

He sighs and sets his phone down.

"You wanna watch a scary movie?"


"It's almost Halloween, so why not?"

"Okay fine"

I smile a bit and kisses the top of my head, I know we're together, but I'm still getting these feelings.

I mean, I don't think I can stop them from growing...

Authors note: 

I am so, so sorry for being so unactive recently, just have so much going on with school, but I will, hopefully be updating per usual during winter break, 💕

Ps: apologize for the short chapter lol.

cruel summer | TMF fan-fic | Jailey [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now