Chapter 10 - Sneaking out

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September 15, 2:15am

"Psst, Hailey."

I hear someone whisper from my backyard,  at the same time somewhere near me. I recognize the voice immediately.

I run (tip-toeing) down the stairs trying everything in my will not to make a single sound, if my family wakes up finding me talking to Jake in my backyard they'd surely freak.

Once I get down I see him already, right as I begin to walk over to the backyard door I hear someone open a door, from God knows where. It isn't Jake, but my girl senses scream at me to run back to my room, which I do so.

I ofcourse feel bad for leaving Jake hanging like that but It's worth to sacrifice than for us being found out about.

I close my bedroom door not making a single sound. Well it does, it clicked a little which made me freak out a bit.

I walk over to get my phone to text Jake but it seems like he already has, he's telling me to open my window. This window thing is getting annoying.

My window seemed to be a bit opened already so I push it a bit more, and look down.

"Hailey!" Jake whisper yells.

"Jake, what are you doing!?" I whisper yell back.

"Hailey, get down." He says softly.

"W-why?" This is really random. I seemed to be awake 2 in the morning cool okay, suddenly Jake starts screaming from my backyard at this time.

"Just come onn I'm bored."

Thanks, that's some reason. He even said it in that hot raspy voice, dammit. Now I can't say no.

"But, how do I get down from here?"

"Jump down!" He says excitedly, but not so that anyone could really hear.

"I- how would I do that?"

He just smirks at me and crosses his arms.


"What you don't trust me?" He asks playfully.

"No I do, It's just-"

"Hailey, I'll catch you don't worry."

"Fine but, if you don't-"

"If I don't you can sue me I know."

My windows pretty big, like a door. This is why I don't open it as much, anyone could fall down. I'm at the very edge of my window now, and just as I'm there, I lunge off. Within seconds Jake catches me.      (Doggy_Liz actually Jake runs up the stairs and pushes Hailey off🥰🥰🥰)

"See, told you so." He tells me with a smirk on his face. He gently puts me back on my feet.

I just rolls my eyes.

"Well thank you my knight in shining armor" I playfully tag along to his mood.

He smiles.

Oh. He smiled, it's so pure. His smile is everything.

I Instantly look away from him realizing I was staring at his lips.

"What are you looking at hails?" He asks in a flirty tone.

"Huh? Oh nothing I um-" I get interrupted when kisses me. God I live this man.

He pulls away

"You know my parents could literally be watching us right now?"

"Oh right is that who was down there in the kitchen, Shannon?"

"I think. anyways, Why are you here."

"To see you."

"Really?" I say as we start walking leaving my backyard to God knows where.

"Really, Really."


September 15, 2:28am


know I shouldn't stay awake this late at night but things have me thinking. My life is getting confusing by the moment.

My boyfriend, now my ex, broke up with me recently, okay, that's whatever.

Hailey, my bestfriend since we were kids has been distancing herself from me, which has got me thinking alot. Because my brother, Jake. Has also been distancing himself from me, I mean, I wouldn't really care normally, cause it's Jake, like the more he doesn't talk to me the better.

But, this has made me come to a realization. Is, my brother dating my bestfriend. I don't know. And it most definitely scares me. I've seen many movies where the main characters best friend leaves her for her brother.

Would I be mad if Hailey dated my brother. No. Yes, no? I don't know. It's not until I've actually known what the feeling is like.

Is Hailey betraying me? I don't know...

I feel like Haileys had a crush on Jake for a while now.

At first I thought it was my ex. Because she would always tell me to leave him, but that was just a little suspicion, nothing big.

I later realized it's not him, cause everyone else would say the same thing, to leave him, I honestly never understood why.

But Hailey's oftenly been alot closer to my brother than usual, I mean, he is too. But that's just how he is with everyone.

Now I don't know If this is some side effect to a break up, or if this is real. And that I am not going crazy and I don't need to be in rehab.

When I mean rehab I mean my teachers tell me I should be in rehab for me being unexcesivley addicted to Hailey since I'm always running around with her.

I'm still very confused. Maybe I should seek some mental help. That'll definitely help. Or talk to Sadie. No I don't know. She's kind of scary.

I should go to sleep rather that fantasizing my life like this at 2 am.

It's been strangley quiet lately, I mean, I did hear some random sounds about an hour ago but it's gone now, it's like someone was walking downstairs but tried to be quiet.

I thought it could've been Milo or my dad, just getting water, but they never came back up. It could probably just be Milo, and he went to the basement and just slept there, since he has a full on bed room if his own down there.

It's just weird, will I ever be able to be honest with someone? Someone who won't just leave me, and not ever come back?

I go back to sleep but toss and turn. I rethink my thoughts, maybe one day.

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