Chapter 4- kitchen conversation

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September 5th, 6:44pm

Typical me obviously doesn't wanna start my day with my friends arguing about the same topic, but it's like never ending hell when stacy is brought up, especially her mom.

"How many times do I need to tell you, Stacy. Is. Hotter. Than. Her. Mom"

"Bro, you just don't see it!"

"Uh Liam, I might wanna tone it down on the arguing, Stacy's right over there." I don't want to point but I have to, my friends IQ is lower than a 6 year Olds, especially Henry.

Liam whips his head around and looks back it looks like he's made some sort of eye contact with her

"Oh, she is right there"

"Doesn't seem like she heard anything" Henry for once is acting normal, it's really rare to see this happen.

Drew doesn't seem to bother, he's talking to Zoey while she's all I've him. Their relationship is so unbelievably fake.

"Uh Liam you okay?" I look back at Henry and look at Liam, he looks... drousy and his cheeks are red as hell.

"Oh Uh, yeah nothing"


A football slams into Liams face. Ouch that must've hurt I go to help him but Stacy's already running over here, I don't wanna blow his chances of not getting a girlfriend so I back away, looks like Henry did the same.

"Hey, are you okay?" The girl looks genuinely worried for a guy I don't think she's ever met. I'll admit, I feel stupid for not helping but I don't want to ruin his moment.

"Uh yeah I'm fine I-"

"Oh I'm so sorry, I was supposed to catch that. here let me help you get up" she reaches her hand out to him, but he looks, weirdly flirty? He's smirking and I'm starting to get weirded out by his behavior, he's surely going to pull a stunt out if nowhere.

"Well hello there" God I knew he was going to do something, the bell rings and I emmediatly leave. I don't want anything to do with this


I have never felt so sorry in my life before. Violet, was throwing a football at me to catch it, but seems like it hit someone else.

Right now, I'm trying to help him up but it seems like he's under drugs by the way he's acting, this just worries me more, I hope he didn't get injured at the brain.

I help him up and he smirks at me, is he okay?

"Well hello there" he says smirking

I let go if his hand and and see a guy behind him facepalm and groan what looks to seem this guy's name


Oh? That's his name.

"Hey I'm so so sorry, I was supposed to catch the ball that was flying towards you, I hope your head doesn't hurt too much"

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