Chapter 6 - thinking of you...

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September 6th, 12:32am

I'll be honest. I'm not sure if it's a crime to like your best friends brother, infact, I think it may just be. From all the many books, TV shows or movies I've watched, the majority of them always seems to have this cliche part where one of the characters seem to get caught having an affair with their bestfriends brother or sister, and it always ends with the two not ending up being friends anymore, or some dramatic bestfriend breakup.

This actually scares me to death. I like Jake, alot actually, maybe even inlove. it started not so long back. I met Mila in Kindergarten, well I first saw her back then, I never thought anything of it, infact I thought she was kind of weird. since she would always wear Minnie mouse bows on her head, she really loved it alot, she hasn't changed much, she still loves those things, although she may be popular, pretty, smart and athletic there's much more behind just that.

Me and Mila began to get more closer around our end of kindergarten, and then eventually became bestfriends. Our families got to know eachother over the years, but there's one moment I'll never forget. It was when I met Jake.

I remember the exact day, February 11th 2013.

We were so young, but I knew there was just something about him, but what would I do, I was only in 1st grade. I practically shoved my thoughts about Jake aside until Middle school happened. It was 7th grade where I knew there was something I had for Jake, I still wasn't so sure and thought that if I gave hints to him maybe then he'd noticed. I was so delusional.

But then I figured it out, he didn't see me as a friend, he saw me as another one of his sisters random friends. When coming to think of this it always hurts and I don't know what to do anymore.

Lose my best friend and shoot that one chance with the guy I love? I could either stay the way I am and be heartbroken, since Jake likes stacy and stacy probably likes him back, well that's what I think. Or, I could shoot my shot and make a move on Jake, which is strange to think, I'm not usually the type to do this, there's a large risk though, if it works and Jake likes me back, which I highly doubt, then I'd lose my best friend, and another thing that could go wrong, is when Jake rejects me and I'm left heart broken, and it gets even worse when Jake tells Mila. and she'll think I betrayed her. then I'll lose both.

So I think I'll just sit here comforting my bestfriend after her messy breakup.

I look at my phone and realize it's getting late. 1:16am.

"Hey Mila I-" I turn to look at her and then find her asleep on the sofa. Oh well.

I grab the remote and turn off the TV when a thought hits me. How the hell was I supposed get Mila up to her room? We were in the downstairs basement watching TV and she unexpectedly fell asleep, which I'm not surprised to, she's always been a heavy sleeper.

I could ask Milo to help carry her up to her room, he was in one of the rooms down here on call with his friends, although as much as I don't want to interrupt him, knowing that he'll start using stupid pickup lines on me from nowhere, I'd hate to wakeup on the basement couch after my shitty breakup.

Oh, right. There's one more option, but I really want to avoid that one, I seriously don't wanna ask Jake to help me carry his sister to her room. I don't even know where he is, and I'm too crippled out to stand up and go look for him, matter of fact, I don't think he'll even say yes, he's made it clear enough that he doesn't want anything to do with me. But, it's for Mila so, I'll give it a shot.

I stand up and walk near to the stairs, which right next to is the room Milo's in and is gaming while on call with his friend, all I seem to hear is a bunch of screaming, yelling, swearing and crying, which I can only assume is Blake, one of Milo's crazy, weird friend.

I walk upstairs and head into the kitchen, I can't seem to find anyone in here. I sigh and pull open my phone trying to see if there's any way I could text Jake getting his attention to help get his sister up to her room.

I scroll looking through my contacts, but I don't scroll too far down, he's already at the top and mostly always seems to be, it's annoying, I don't want to open my texts to see Jake as one of the first contacts on my list. But that's just because eyes always texting me.

Just as I'm sure to text him someone grabs my shoulders, and I'm sure this is it, I'm gonna die, it's like those horror movies of when your stepbrother finds out you purposely let a spider roam freely In house as an April fools prank only to never find that spider again. can't relate, it's a Canon event.


I turn around to see, wow, what a suprise, Jake.

"What do you want?" I ask him in utter annoyance, I instantly regret, knowing he should be asking me that.

His face morphs into one of a disappointment, I feel bad responding that way, I should've been more nice.

"Sorry I.. Uh,  I was gonna ask you something actually." I can tell my cheeks are tinted a light rose color, well, this is embarrassing.

"Yeah, what's that?" He asks regaining that smirk on his face again.

Gosh, does he have to be so undeniably fine? It's giving me a stroke at this point.

I sigh trying not to sound mentally unstable.

"Well, your sister fell asleep in the basement and I need your help getting her to her room."

"Nah, she'll be fine down there, maybe some rats will come by to say hi to her in her sleep."

He says it so confidently, as if I were to say that he wouldn't even be offended at the slightest.

I scoff, obviously a but irritated at what he said.

"Jake, she just broke up and she's tired let her sleep in piece, will you?"

"Fine, fine, I was just kidding with you princess, I'll do just that" Jake says walking past me heading towards the basement, as he ruffles my hair.

Why does he have to do this to me, mentally and physically? I have a feeling this is going to go somewhere I'm not expecting it to.

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