Chapter 2- a late night call

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August 8, 11:24pm

I don't have the motivation to do anything right now, especially since today was the first day of school. Zander seemed perfectly fine, he somehow survived and I'll have to admit, I'm surprised, I haven't gotten a single complaint from him, or he could've just been complaining to Luke, he seems to be able to handle Zander perfectly fine.

I walk up to my window staring out it. Then I get a text.

it's Mila. I honestly don't know if I wanna talk to anyone right now. I haven't seen her at school today. She normally doesn't like to go to school on the first day. Jake never said anything though, so I wouldn't know.

I look over at the text

Mila - Haileyyyy, did you go to school today? How was it? Tell me everything🙏🙏🙏

I smile, she's so nice, it's painful hanging out at her house though, her brothers always bothering us. But I don't know if I should complain, I mean I don't hate it. But I could never tell Mila that, that's against girl code liking you best friends brother. But I have known Jake longer.

It wasn't bad but very boring, I got caught roming the halls by Jake😒 -Hailey

Mila - ugh I'm so sorry hails, I'll tell Jake to stop annoying you

Its fine, but thank you :) -Hailey

Mila - well alright, I'll ttyl good night Hails❤

You too❤-Hailey


"Jake" I can hear Mila stomping downstairs to the kitchen, her voice seems irritated


"Can you stop annoying Hailey all the time?"

Wait, since when do I annoy Hailey, last time I checked she made it look like she loved it.

"Uh yeah right"

"Jake I'm serious, she seemed annoyed, actually stop" she has a worried expression plastered on her face.

"Fine, whatever, I'm sorry" I try to act as convincing and sober as possible but now I just sound like Henry begging to Drew for lettuce.

I laugh a little and look up to see Mila, she looks mad, uh oh.

"Im sorry really, I'll stop bothering Hailey and you, okay?"

She sighs "okay, I'll try and believe that" she gives me a weird side eye. Whatever.

I go upstairs to my room, I can hear Milo screaming about something,he's probably on call with his friends or something, kids these days.

I think back to what Mila was telling me. I'm sure Hailey loves my annoying little tricks I play with her, but I wanna sound convincing, I'll give Hailey a call, how about that.

I scroll through my contacts and click on her number. I Take a deep breath and hit the call button.

Wait, why did I take a deep breathe, There wasn't a reason for it unless-

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