Chapter 3- a sudden notice

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August 19th, 3:36pm

I'm not sure why, but an after school hangout with my friends have got to be the most boring thing, luckily that's not what it is today, we'll almost. Liams asking for the whole gang to meet up and watch him try to win a bet by rizzing up girls. What a painful sight.

I walk up near the coffee shop Liam said to meet up at. From a far glimpse I can see them, it just Liam and Drew right now, I mean atleast I'm not that late.

"Hey Jake, we're over here!" I can see Drew shouting.

I just wave back, I'm basically infront of them, I'm not that blind.

"You guys ready to watch me get my first girlfriend?"

His confidence is killing me, I'm trying everything to not break laughing.

"Yeah, I'd like to see you try"

Henry runs up from behind Liam and tries to scare him, we'll he tried atleast.

"God do you always have to be so annoying?" Liam looks pretty annoyed now, he's normally happy whenever Henry's around.

"God you guys can't go a day without being so tempting to wanting to shove you into a tree"

"That's a little dark isn't it?" I'm not surprised, Drew's always been like this, I guess you could say he's said much worse.

"Yeah, anyways, ooh I see a volunteering target approaching us right now." Liams saying it with a smirk, seems like he knows this person.

Though I try around and to my shock, it's Mila...?
I can see Hailey with her too, my mood lightens up for some reason but I get a little annoyed about what Liam said.

"Ahaha, no. Not my sister."

"Woah, overprotective much?"

"No its just weird, like my bestfriend hitting up my sister, she doesn't even like you" I mean, I wouldn't say I'm overprotective, sure, Liam could a way better boyfriend than my sisters current one, but she did say that she doesn't want anything to do with my friends, and I guess I'll just go with that

"Ugh fine, wait, Stacy's mom should be here. Stacy was telling me she and her mom are going shoppin-"

"Bro, hold up, there's no way I'm watching you hit up our classmates mom, that's weird!"

I guess things are gonna get pretty boring now, since Drew doesn't seem to take any interest, he's on his phone, probably talking to his gold-digger girlfriend. and whenever Liam brings up Stacy's mom a massive debate starts between Liam and henry, there's nothing to do but walk away.

I turn back to see if my sister and haileys still near the coffee shop. It looks like they're walking out now, but Mila seemed to run back in for something. Haileys there, well as long as my sister doesn't come back, I'll, be fine, hopefully..


Milas been asking to hang out lately and although things have been pretty bland and boring I thought why not. We were just gonna hang around grav sone coffee, go shopping, hang out at her house, since she said that Jake won't be home, thank God.

We just ordered from Starbucks and Mila ran back in to go to the bathroom and order something for Milo.

Jake and his friends are here, I don't think they've noticed me, it seems like no one really cares that two of their friends are having, what looks like a fight, or a debate in the middle of the street, how strange.

I look at the trees, it's sunny and breezy a nice day I'd say.

"Well hello there."

I almost fall over, I know who's voice this is.

"What do you want"

"I just wanna talk to you, how are you princess?"

"Im fine."

"Yeah you are."

Wow okay smooth. I can tell there's a line of dark red blush all over my face, this man's rizz is next level.


I snap out of my thoughts


"You didn't tell my sister about what I was telling you the other day in chemistry right?"

"Like, how you were ranting about her crappy boyfriend and how bad you want me?" I stop, Damn it. I shouldn't have said that.

Jake smirks and he looks like he's about to say something ridiculous


"Uh, nevermind that."

"Jake stop annoying Hailey and go away" Mila comes back and saves me at right time, thank you Mila, because I sure wouldn't know what to do at that moment.

Jake rolls his eyes and scoffs


Mila glares at him and then looks at her phone for a second, and that was the moment I realized all that could happen in one second.

Jake walks up to me and whispers in my ear

"See you later. Princess."

I almost choke on my dirty thoughts at the moment. I nearly drop my bag and watch him walk away. How is this happening? I haven't known him long enough for this to happen.

"Haileeeyy, you ok?"

"Yeah, I think I'll be perfectly fine."

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