Chapter 7 - 'The moon's beautiful, isn't it?'

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September 6th, 1:20am

I decided to sit in Mila's families kitchen while texting Daisy, she's telling me a whole lot of stuff about upcoming events at our school and things that are related to dance stuff.

Daisy was one of my sweetest friends ever, she's amazing, absolutely perfect if that's what you wanted to say. Although I'll never amount to anything near daisy, she's what every guy drools over because of how perfect and pretty she is, if only it was like that for me...

I struck out of my thoughts noticing jake came back from taking Mila up to her room, I feel bad for not helping, but I know if I'm going anywhere near Jake I'll practically be crying in a corner right after looking at him, knowing that a guy like him could never like me and I'm probably just every, other, normal girl. To him

"So, what do you wanna do knowing that the kids are asleep?" Jake says, playfully smirking at me.

Instantly Milo yells down from the basement most probably hearing what Jake said


Jake doesn't seem surprised in the slightest, he just rolls his eyes and continues to scroll on his phone through, from what I can assume is tiktok. He then turns it off and looks back at me, I instantly look away in embarrassment, someone catching you staring at them has to be the most nerve wrecking thing ever, especially when you get called out for it.

"Hailey, wanna hang outside, I wanna go somewhere" he says not looking tired in the slightest, I don't know how people manage to look this fine late at night. I just look like a beat up squirrel that hasn't slept in days.

Now I know I can't turn this down, I do want to go talk with Jake for who knows how long.



September 6th, 1:31am

I just got Hailey to agree with hanging out with me, I knew this was the perfect opportunity to get to know Hailey, yeah like, I've known Hailey since we were in kindergarten but it's not like I know her that well. Plus, lately she's been more and more distant from me, but I don't really know what to say about that since basically everyone's been pretty distant from everyone. Milas practically been keeping Hailey all to herself, sharing caring Mila, gosh I can't even talk to her nowadays without being yelled at by my weirdly annoying sister.

"Sooo, where are we going exactly?"

"Oh you'll see princess" I tell her, trying to play around with her.

She may hate that name but I love it, and the story behind it. It was the first time I realized how much I wanted this girl, and how badly I'd fallen for her. It was at her 13th birthday, her mom wanted her to wear a crown and she did not like that, I remember joking around calling her princess, that's where the nickname came from. My family was invited but I begged my mom not wanting to go, I didn't really want to see Hailey, especially because it was the week right after I got embarrassed by my friends, in other words, Henry, who thought it'd be cool to go tell Hailey that I was gonna give her a kiss as a birthday present for her.

I can't remember but I'm pretty sure she was just as flushed as I was, I couldn't show my face to her for the rest of the week, I remember planning to keep it that way, I was so stupid thinking I'd be able to hide myself from my sisters bestfriend, who's always over at our place 24/7. It's kind of obvious my plan on hiding myself from Hailey didn't work, I'm clearly walking to her knows where with her, as long as she's here I know I'll be happy.

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