Chapter 8 - with you

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September 11th, 12:45pm

It's been about a few days since I last saw Hailey. It's Monday today. And she told me she,

Liked me.

Last week, ever since then I haven't seen her at school, it's like, she just, disappeared. She also hasn't been hanging out with Mila since then, well, atleast not at my house.

I haven't seen her today, I really do hope I run into her. I desperately need to see her again, it's come to made me realize. I'm a train wreck without her.

Just as shut my locker door, from the corner of my eye.

There she is.

She's right across the hall. She looks miserable, I'm guessing it's from what happened. Now's the time, do it Jake, tell her, forget about what anyone else thinks, just tell her.

I walk straight up to her and I've caught her off guard.

"Jake?" She looks up at me shocked and seeming a bit, scared.

Without thinking straight I pull her aside into the janitors closet shutting the doors behind me.

"Hailey, about what you said that day I-"

She cuts me off.

"Jake, listen, just forget about that, if you hadn't taken me to the beach that day none of that would've happened, I know that you don't like me back, so, let's just pretend I never said that." Her voice cracks and I can tell the pain in her eyes, I want to grab her and bring her close to me.

She quickly leaves and closes the door.

Great. This is just amazing Jake.


September 11th, 9:32pm

Ever since I told Jake I liked him things have just been going horribly. I've been distancing myself from Mila and I can tell she's really questioning it, but it's for my own good, I'd probably break down every time I'd have to go to her house, seeing Jake after what happened would just make me wanna cry more.

I don't even know why I did that, I was so stupid to think he'd actually like me. Now look at me, I'm sitting here on my bed miserably reading romance novels as if anything like that would happen to me. I'm such a hopeless romantic.

I keep reading my book but suddenly get jolt at the strange tapping sound coming from my window. I quickly close my book and walk over. I move my curtains and to my surprise.

It's Jake.

What. What is he doing here? Why is he here? Why.

I don't want to leave him out in the rain so I let him in.

"What are you doing here?" I close the window right after he gets out of it.

"Hailey we need to talk."

"About what!?" I know I'm sounding irritated but I'm not, instead, I want to throw myself out a window, supposedly the one right next to me.

"About what you said at the beach that night." He says walking strangly closer to me and I feel like I'm in some teen romance movie, my rooms lights are off, it's raining outside and my crush is standing really close to me, I'd kiss him, I wish.

"I told you, just pretend that never happened."

"Hailey I can't pretend anymore... not after what you said."

My eyes widen at my realization.

He swiftly takes off his shirt.

he then leans in for a...


It all happens too fast and it feels like I'm in a trance. I want this to stop but at the same time not.

Seconds later Jake gently pulls away while I'm completely paralyzed at what just happened

"I- what just happened...?" I ask

He smiles at me

"Hailey, from the moment I first saw you I knew I had something for you, whenever I would see any guy talking to you I would get jelous, or whenever my friends would go teasing on about how I liked you, I would be emberrased, but it was true. Whenever I get shipped with you, I loved it, so much. It drives me crazy when Im not near you."

"But... Im so, unperfect and, no one could ever like me, why me?"

"Hailey, Your perfect. your pretty, your smart, your kind, your caring, the list goes on. I love you." He smiles at me and everything feels so unreal.

"Hey listen, can we... keep this a secret?"

"I was thinking that too, Zander would kill me if he found out I kissed you."

I laugh a little at what he said. He pulls away from and walks to the window. And I open the window for him.

"K. I'll see you at school tomorrow."

"See you then, princess~"

He smiles at me and I do the same.

"Bye, and get home safe okay?" I laugh a little, he's probably gonna get himself killed.

"Aww, you care about me that much?"

"Ugh just go" well isn't he the king at flustering me.

He grins and tilts his head.

"Bye Hailey." He smiles.

I wave bye at him. And he leaves. Just at that point. I knew what my life would become of.

cruel summer | TMF fan-fic | Jailey [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now