Chapter 9 - just between us

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September 12th, 9:22am

It's been about a day since what happened. Well, to be more specific, my situation with Hailey, I'm not sure what we are right now but I'm happy the way it is, I haven't seen her so far, but I miss her, alot more than I probably should.

I'm in history class right now, next is chemistry so  I'll see her then, I might go mentally insane if I don't, I don't know why but it's probably cause of the crazy amount of girls hoarding me today, way too many of them have been asking for my number. Like thanks, but no. I'm inlove with someone, and it's not you. Although I wanna say that, I can't, if people found out I liked anyone, especially my friends, a shit ton of drama is gonna start, and when I mean it like that, I mean loads of drama.

I suddenly get happier remembering haileys also in P.E with me. Next year, I'm most definitely asking the principal to put me in all the same classes as Hailey.


nevermind, I should shut up, that's weird.

I wait staring at the clock until we can leave, 3. 2. 1

"Alright class, remember that you have to read pages 15 through 21."

No one seems to care other than a few of the 'I want to go to harvard' kids at the front that end up walking to the teacher and asking her random nerdy stuff.

I walk out of the classroom in hopes of not running into anyone I know, I don't have the time and patience to talk to anyone right now, unless it's Hailey, I'd give up my life for her.

I walk down the hallway to my locker and once I reach it Milly pops up from behind.

"What's sup Jake!" She says in a fun exciting voice.

"Oh hey." I need to sound more lively these days, I just sound like I haven't slept in days.

My raises an eyebrow, it looks like she's questioning my behavior, I mean, who wouldn't.

"Yo, you've been, pretty quiet lately, especially since last week. Are you keeping a secret~?"

Her last few words strike me and I have the sudden urge to just run away, if milly find out about my little "thing" with Hailey, I know I'll be done. She cannot keep a secret and when I mean cannot I mean it.

"Uh- No... why do you ask?" I know I probably look as red as a tomato, thats what thinking about Hailey makes me feel.

"You sure~?"


Please Milly, let me leave, I beg you.

Just as I'm about to open my mouth to speak, from the corner of my eye I see Hailey. She shuts her lockers and turns around, we make eye contact, but there's something about it. Sometime, that I don't know how to explain. As much as I want to walk over to her and pick her up and kiss her, I don't. I can't. I'll be caught, and then who knows what'd happen.

"Umm, Jake, what are you looking at?" Milly asks I then instantly look away from Hailey and it seems she's walking away, I need to go talk to her.

"No one! I mean nothing, look sorry I have to go I'll talk to you later though." I say quickly before I turn around walking away.

"Uh-huh, alright, see you later" Milly says smirking a bit. oh God I pray that she doesn't suspect anything.

I try walking really quickly but not as fast as if it would look weird. Like I'm desperate, people would start questioning me, and drama around here flies quicker than you think.

I get a glimpse of Hailey next to the janitors closet and without a second thought I quickly pull her in, not gonna lie, I should stop doing this.

"Jake!?" Hailey whisper shouts surprised.

"Yes Jake." I say sarcastically looking at her.

She smiles at me and hugs me,so I hug her back. it's so cute, she's so cute, I'm so lucky to have her as mine, well maybe not everyone knows but I do.

"Um, does anyone know...?" Hailey asks a bit nervous.

"I don't think so, but Milly's been acting really strange today."

"Yeah, she's been asking me random stuff, and if I had a secret boyfriend or something." Haileys tells me, laughing a little

"Well... you kind of do" I say smiling down at her.

"Well yeah duh, but she wouldn't know."

I laugh a little and it gets quiet until Hailey breaks the silence.

"What do you think Mila would say about this..?"


What would she say. For starters I'm sure Mila one hundred percent hates whenever I'm near Hailey. And the second thing is, if she does find out about me and Hailey, she and Hailey are over and most definitely and probably won't be friends, and my relationship with my sister would be horrible.

"Oh, uhh, she won't, I hope not."

"You sure, what about Zander?"

Wow, thanks for the reminder. Can't forget about him, he's a nightmare, I may not talk to zander as much, but when we were kids we had intense beef with eachother, I know he hates me. insanely hates me. He might just murder me if he finds out I madeout with his sister.

"Zander would kill me if he found out."

"I guess that's why we should keep it a secret." Haileys says.

"Yeah, just between us?"

"Between us."

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